The thing you need to do is build up your confidence. The more confident you are the less you'll let people control you and, believe me, as soon as you stop letting people control you the more people will like you and the more likely you are to have the friends that you really want. People respect people who stand up for themselves while they tend to take advantage of people who allow others to control them.
Building up your confidence isn't easy but one thing you might try to do is try to put things in perspective - a lot of things that might really worry you now could be totally insignificant 2 weeks down the road. If you're worrying about something, think to yourself "why am I worried?" "Is there something I can do to change the situation?" If the answer is no then you have to let it go, if the answer is yes then do something about it, don't let it get on top of you.
Please don't live according to what others expect of you - they will leave your life at some stage while you will always be you, so really the only person you have to please is yourself.