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How to become stronger mentally

I feel that i am pretty weak mentally and want to become a stronger person. I worry about the smallest things and don't seem strong enough to do what i really want to do. I am always worrying about one thing or another and it stresses me out alot. Some things are to do with my boyfriend, some are just work friends (eg not speaking up partially due to shyness) and I seem to get upset pretty easily. How can you become a stronger person in this sense? I know i haven't said much in detail so i can say some more if it is needed.

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Telling yourself sharply to "get on with it", might help.

Sometimes works.
I think that this type of thing often developes naturally for many people as they get older.

Life experience and all that.
I believe you are who you are, no matter how hard you try trying to change you're personality or the way you think is futile,

however the point of life experiences I think does play a part but this is over years...
Reply 4
I believe that part of it can be done by simply changing your approach to things - you already recognise that you want to be mentally stronger, so you already know you have the approach within you to become stronger. This may not necessarily mean that you react less intensely to things or contrive the way you feel about things, but rather change your outlook on things. Sometimes it is useful to see why you feel a certain way and then act on it.
Reply 5
How old are you?
You'll change a LOT between 18-20. Life experience/finding out who you are etc... You just have to kind of wait and really get out there, meet people get hurt build confidence etc.... dont be afraid to be self aware and really know yourself and see how your mind works.
PM me for more controversial ideas.
Reply 6
Im 19. One thing that makes me feel particularly weak is that I sometimes let people control me because I don't want to lose them as a friend/bf. Its not how I would act if I didn't have them in my life and its leaving me full of regrets...not how I want to live my life
Im 19. One thing that makes me feel particularly weak is that I sometimes let people control me because I don't want to lose them as a friend/bf. Its not how I would act if I didn't have them in my life and its leaving me full of regrets...not how I want to live my life

im sick of being affected by everyone too, im not being myself at all at the moment, and don't quite know how ive become what ive become. I don't even know what i am and what i stand for anymore, im in a right mess.
I feel that i am pretty weak mentally and want to become a stronger person. I worry about the smallest things and don't seem strong enough to do what i really want to do. I am always worrying about one thing or another and it stresses me out alot. Some things are to do with my boyfriend, some are just work friends (eg not speaking up partially due to shyness) and I seem to get upset pretty easily. How can you become a stronger person in this sense? I know i haven't said much in detail so i can say some more if it is needed.

Go read a book entitled "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene.
If you feel yourself slipping mentally it's often very hard to recuperate, but' it's doable.
Reply 10
Be yourself, and beleive in yourself. Think of yourself as the best person you can be. Little things don't matter. Don't let others judge you. Make people understand your true worth. If you build inner confidence and pride, your view of your surrounding will change dramatically. Smile alot. :hugs:
Reply 11
Go read a book entitled "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene.

that book can be misleading.. if not read in the right sense
Reply 12
The thing you need to do is build up your confidence. The more confident you are the less you'll let people control you and, believe me, as soon as you stop letting people control you the more people will like you and the more likely you are to have the friends that you really want. People respect people who stand up for themselves while they tend to take advantage of people who allow others to control them.
Building up your confidence isn't easy but one thing you might try to do is try to put things in perspective - a lot of things that might really worry you now could be totally insignificant 2 weeks down the road. If you're worrying about something, think to yourself "why am I worried?" "Is there something I can do to change the situation?" If the answer is no then you have to let it go, if the answer is yes then do something about it, don't let it get on top of you.
Please don't live according to what others expect of you - they will leave your life at some stage while you will always be you, so really the only person you have to please is yourself.
I've always seemed to have this problem of feeling mentally weak and definately get worked up over small things. I feel that back at home I've grown up in a comfortable environment and now that I have left that comfort zone to go to uni, sometimes feel a bit unsure of myself and always worry about things like interacting with others, uni work and whether I'm even able to live independently and make my own decisions. I've always been really anxious - more so when I was younger because of my exams.

Well the way I tackle it is to realise that avoiding the thing that is making me anxious e.g. work would only make the situation worse. Also to gain 'life experiences' I would say try putting yourself into new situations e.g. join societies, take up new activities.

Self-development takes time and a lot of patience. You might not realise at the time that you are changing - in fact the most important thing is to not keep thinking about your weaknesses and just be proactive and throw yourself into things. If it didn't turn out very well, you just learn from your mistakes and keep going at it. :smile:
To start talking to people I would say just start from something very simple like e.g. 'how's it going?' and go for open questions (as opposed to closed qu.s with 'yes/no' answers).

You don't have to be the most talkative or extroverted person, I find that listening is also an important quality that people like to look for in a person.
Reply 15
Pay for psychotherapy! Also try to get on SSRI's. Tell your doctor your depressed and stuff, trust me itl work.
When you worry about any issue(s), just ask yourself the question: "Can I do anything about it?"
More often than not the answer is 'no'. If its 'yes', then go and do it obviously.
Reply 17
"Pay for psychotherapy! Also try to get on SSRI's. Tell your doctor your depressed and stuff, trust me itl work"

STFU. I think theres enough advertising for the Pharmacorp without you harping up! Do you know the long term effects of these chemicals?

You want to be stronger in mind, body and soul?

I`d recommend a martial art, in fact any exercise is good for the whole human package.

Overall though, it sounds like you know what you need to do. Just do it. Step one is taking responsibility for your own life, for the person you are. All too often we give in to "maggot mindset" and start seeing ourselves as victims. FUDDAT!

Smile and laugh. Its produces lots of lovely chemicals in your brain that make you a happier more centred person, whilst it may seem delusional at first, it works! In the same vein, eat plenty of fruit and get a water filter. Don`t eat modified foods, ready meals, artificial (poisonous) sweeteners like aspartame. Removing all the toxic crap we shove in our bodies everyday and replacing it with nutrients and chlorine free water did wonders for me. Simply because everyone else sabotages themselves thats not to say you should. Consensus means nothing. Half of these people will be dribbling wrecks by the time they're 40. Read the studies on these things. Educate yourself on the power structures around you.

Cultivating your spiritual side is always a winner. I don`t mean picking up a bible, just try some meditation, read some books about sacred geometry or astral projection. Expand your horizons. All too often we constrict our own minds and then wonder why they mull over and over the same crap. Start to believe in your own dreams, don`t feel boxed in by other peoples expectations of you. If something makes you anxious, think about dying. Everything else seems to fade into insignificance when you do that! Who knows, you might even have some kind of epiphany. :smile:

Congratulations on making the conscious decision to become more. Most people will never even get that far. To them it would be like admitting failure lmao
I'm seeing a counsellor and will be seeing a specialist soon in the hope that they can help me see how to change my thought patterns.
It's OK to be selfish sometimes! Take a bit of you time and work out what your goals are. For this week, month, year, and do something towards them. Even if it's just something like going to the swimming pool or gym by yourself on this week, finding someone new from work to go with you by next month, and organising a big trip or something for next year. Each time you accomplish something your confidence will increase. It's best if it's things that you wouldn't normally do. You'll surprise yourself with your own ability and adventure! If something scares you but there's no real reason why, just do it.

I believe it was Baz Luhrman who recommended we do something every day that scares us. I think it's a good philosophy. Actually, Sunscreen is a good feel good song. If you haven't heard it, listen to it. If you have heard it, listen to it again!
