The Student Room Group

Good church near Warwick ?

So is there a good church near Warwick? I go to Assemblies of God and Baptist churches in the states. Quit frankly I find alot of churches kinda shallow and plastic without much real depth so I'm hoping to find something better when I get to uni. I play guitar and would like to find some place with really good worship where I can maybe play and sing.
Have you read about the Warwick Chaplaincy? I think some chapels in Warwick if I'm not mistaken (from the website). Probably one in Coventry or nearby towns.
Reply 2
There are loads of different churches near the uni and in Cov/Leam. I'm not religious but one girl on my floor is and she goes every Sunday and has looked at various ones.
Reply 3
Avoid the Church of England; it's not a particularly religious institution, more of a social thing.
Avoid the Church of England; it's not a particularly religious institution, more of a social thing.

a clique social thing at that :p:
My friend goes off to church every sunday and I think during the first term he tried out lots of different churches. The Christian Union at Warwick is apparently good at guiding new students in terms of finding a church sutible to them.
Reply 6
Hey Sponge,

There are loads of good churches near the uni. If you come along to the first Warwick Christian Union meeting at the start of term (it will be widely advertised), there will be reps from loads of churches (they are usually the pastors/minister, youth ministers or students who go to those churches - known as student reps). The CU encourages everyone to find a church that suits them best (this may mean going to one on your first Sundary, loving it and staying there, or going to quite a few and settling on one later in the term). Everyone is also encouraged to get stuck into their church, ie. be more than just a Sunday attender, who rushes out the door when service is over! So join their worship band, help with the Kids, get to know other people in the church etc.

For the moment, you can go the CU website: and click on resources. Their is a list of churches there

Hope that helps!

I'm a Christian currently at Warwick. I usually go to the Chaplaincy service. Everyone is welcome as it is an ecumenical Anglican/Free Church service. Alternatively, there is Westwood which is quite popular amongst students. The service is more lively than the Chaplaincy service but it equally as sociable (and where I go during the hols as Chaplaincy services are term-time only). There are other churches around but I do not know enough about them to comment but if you want to talk to anyone about church/other Christian stuff when you arrive there are 2 separate Christian societies - Christian Focus (of which I am a member and prayer sec) and Christian Union.

Hope this helps.
Reply 8
Don't worry, they will find you. Seriously there is no escaping!
Reply 9
My friends go to Westwood Church too.

Here's it's website, if that's any good to you: