The Student Room Group
yea they are, only arch students can access them with your uni card... but there's a reason why they're open 24/7!!
Reply 2
yea they are, only arch students can access them with your uni card... but there's a reason why they're open 24/7!!

Lol, yeah point taken!:p:

Whats the course like? With a large intake do they split the year into different studios?
They're split into something... I don't recall exactly what they're called but basically sub-studios yeah. It might be cluster...something like that.

Basically, it seems to be insanely conceptual and full of crap. If you want to a very theoretically orientated course - Nottingham seems to be the way to go. Hope you enjoy philosophy etc...
Reply 4
The theory stuff seems really interesting (I suppose you might expect me to say that, being a philosophy student) although some of the projects my architecture friends have had to do sound difficult...things about how buildings affect all your senses and having to show that in pictures. I don't study it, but my friends who do have so much work, so many projects...

The year gets split into working groups called dens, but I don't know about different studios, whether the dens get their own studios or something.
No they don't have their own studios, but I think they have like their own workspaces or whatever in the 24hr studio! Yup, they have a lot of work, a lot of which is very conceptual and very weird.
Reply 6
I was planning to apply to Nottingham next year!
Whats it like there, in terms of student life etc? :smile: