The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I know nothing about Theatre & Performance studies but I believe Millburn House is at the Science Park which is an easily walkable distance from campus - 15 minutes maximum I would estimate. It's right next to Tesco.
I really would worry about it - I don't know how often you would have to go over there anyway. I imagine you lectures, seminars, etc. would still be on central campus and it would only be for a minority of your work (if any) that you would have to go to this other building. And even if you do, as I say, it's easily walkable from campus.
Jenn xx
Hey there,

I'm going to be doing Theatre and Performance studies at Warwick this year, bit concerned to learn that the new site for the studio and stuff will be at Milburn house which is on the business park - miles away from central campus and accommodation, anyone know more details about it and how we're expected to get all the way to the site?!! Help!

Sam :smile:

Hey- I've got a place at Warwick for Theatre Studies as well. Where did you hear about the new site? When I went up in January no-one mentioned it and there's nothing on the department website. Do you know anything about the new site? I couldn't find Milburn House on any of the campus maps- if it is only 15 mins walk away then that can't be too bad, plus we'll get brand new facilities.
Reply 3
Im studying philosophy and I go to my department like twice per term... I imagine it will be similar for you. Seminars/lectures tend to be on the central campus anyways.
Reply 4
Yeah i guess we wouldn't have to go there all the time, seems a shame though that it won't be on the campus anymore.

bertarina219, good to know someone else is off to do Theatre etc too, was getting worried that no-one from here is taking that course! If you go to this link you'll see what it says about new site somewhere in the text:

but if you can't find it ive copied it... "The School’s projected move to purpose-built facilities at Milburn House, which will considerably enhance the quality and scope of the teaching we can offer, is scheduled to take place in September/October 2007."

When i went for my interview last January they said then that they'll be making new site developements in October 07, so i kept checking to see if they said anything about it on the department website and sure enough last month they realeased that statement ^

I'm happy to have new premises, just worried it'll be miles away - thanks for letting me know its on the science park, is that behind the computer science block somewhere?!

Sam xxx
I do theatre studies at the moment.

We haven't been told much about the new building yet but I am very excited. It should be great because it means a brand new studio and stuff. To be honest you do spend a lot of time in the department because that is where they studio is and that is where the editing suite is and the staff offices stuff but it shouldn't mean you have a worse time. Most actual lectures are in buildings all over the place so that won't affect anything. At the moment I have to go to Westwood for stuff once at week and the drama students are so sociable that we always meet outside Rootes and walk in a massive group to lectures anyway so you wouldn't even be lonely walking up to the new department. It is probably only an extra 5 to 10 minutes at the most so just look forward to shiny new facilities! The science park isn't far at all. Probably nearer than Westwood which is good as I am fed up of the 20 minute walk to my seminars.
Reply 6
At the moment I have to go to Westwood for stuff once at week and the drama students are so sociable that we always meet outside Rootes and walk in a massive group to lectures anyway so you wouldn't even be lonely walking up to the new department. It is probably only an extra 5 to 10 minutes at the most so just look forward to shiny new facilities!

Ahh that’s nice to know that you’re a friendly bunch. I was impressed by the community feeling in the department when I went for my interview last year.

Thanks for help; feel reassured that I won't be trekking for miles to my lectures!

Just a quick question while I’m at it - if you currently spend quite a bit of time over at Westwood then do you really make use of the campus? Is it a pain to come back to central campus for lunch etc?

Sam xxx
Ahh that’s nice to know that you’re a friendly bunch. I was impressed by the community feeling in the department when I went for my interview last year.

Thanks for help; feel reassured that I won't be trekking for miles to my lectures!

Just a quick question while I’m at it - if you currently spend quite a bit of time over at Westwood then do you really make use of the campus? Is it a pain to come back to central campus for lunch etc?

Sam xxx

My timetable for this first year has been really lovely in terms of when things happen.

Will give you a little break down.

Monday - 11-1 - Seminar type class in random room on main campus.
2-3.30 - Lecture (main campus)

Tuesday - 10-11.30 - Lecture (main campus)

Wednesday - 9.30-11 - Seminar (normally Westwood)

Thursday - 9-1 then 2-6 in the studio in Humanities on main campus obviously when its the new building it would be there (that is the offical time allocated, sometimes we are split up and then the time is shared out all depends on what we are doing)

Friday - 11.30 - 1 - Seminar (main campus) 2-6 (studio)

So only spend one morning at Westwood. Fitting in time to go back to my accomodation for lunch has never been a problem. The 1-2 breaks are plenty of time to make the 5 minute walk from wherever your lecture is, make lunch and then another 5 minutes walk back to a lecture.

Westwood isn't as far as people make out. It just seems a long way because of how close everything else is. Probably no more of a journey than walking to Tesco. I imagine that Milburn house won't be a long walk. I don't think it will be as long as the walk to my Westwood class for one thing.
Reply 8
Monday - 11-1 - Seminar type class in random room on main campus.
2-3.30 - Lecture (main campus)

Tuesday - 10-11.30 - Lecture (main campus)

Wednesday - 9.30-11 - Seminar (normally Westwood)

Thursday - 9-1 then 2-6 in the studio in Humanities on main campus obviously when it’s the new building it would be there (that is the official time allocated, sometimes we are split up and then the time is shared out all depends on what we are doing)

Friday - 11.30 - 1 - Seminar (main campus) 2-6 (studio)

This is useful stuff, first time I’ve actually seen or read what a time table at uni will be like!

Glad to know that they've been nice with the start times of seminars etc, lol, no getting up for things at like 8am!

I suppose if we all have to go to the new studio then it won't be a lonely affair of walking over there, hopefully we'll still get lectures in random rooms on the main campus and it'll just be the studio we have to go to Milburn house for - would quite like to make use of rooms on campus other wise we might as well be based and live on the science park!

If you don't mind me questioning, what accommodation are you in? Currently making my choice, so difficult!

Sam xxx
This is useful stuff, first time I’ve actually seen or read what a time table at uni will be like!

Glad to know that they've been nice with the start times of seminars etc, lol, no getting up for things at like 8am!

I suppose if we all have to go to the new studio then it won't be a lonely affair of walking over there, hopefully we'll still get lectures in random rooms on the main campus and it'll just be the studio we have to go to Milburn house for - would quite like to make use of rooms on campus other wise we might as well be based and live on the science park!

If you don't mind me questioning, what accommodation are you in? Currently making my choice, so difficult!

Sam xxx

Yes I imagine that most lectures and seminars will still take place on the main campus. You do have to pop in to the department quite frequently, pick up photocopies of readings for lectures, check the notice board and other similar activities.

I am in Rootes. This is year it is really great because most theatre students are living close to each other. Most of us are in Rootes with a few in AV, Cryfield and Whitefields. It shouldn't matter where you live though in terms of the course and things because all the accomodation is so close together and the fact that the course has so few people on it means everyone spends lots of time together. This year we have had parties and nights out and just done lots of things together as a big group.
Found a bit more info about the Milburn House (including a map so people can put it into context with the rest of campus)
Reply 11
It's not far at all.
Another map:,+coventry&layer=&sll=52.387793,-1.556582&sspn=0.005173,0.014591&ie=UTF8&z=15&ll=52.383668,-1.558728&spn=0.010347,0.029182&t=k&om=1

It's right next to tescos, which is 5minutes from most places. And ignore the route on that map, you can cut through the middle, that's for cars. Also, if you're doing the course, I guess you should consider Westwood accommodation if you want to be really close to it. It'll be opposite your accommodation (the science park).
It will not be longer than walking to Westwood from main campus which is good. Not far at all. Just past University House.
Reply 13
It will not be longer than walking to Westwood from main campus which is good. Not far at all. Just past University House.

Yeah, although the other direction will be quicker for main campus students (if it is on the science park, which it looks like it is!).
Reply 14
Thanks for the maps, this has been really helpful :smile:

So glad that it's within easy walking distance of the campus, was getting concerned that it'd be miles away!

The route that has been given on the map for cars seems pretty easy to follow, whats the cut through route for those on foot? Would it be across the grassy bit and past Comp Science and Stats buildings?

Sam xxx
Reply 15
The route that has been given on the map for cars seems pretty easy to follow, whats the cut through route for those on foot? Would it be across the grassy bit and past Comp Science and Stats buildings?

Sam xxx

Pretty much, yea. By the sports center is a road that goes past Claycroft, and comes out by tescos (then turn left onto the science park).
Thanks for the maps, this has been really helpful :smile:

So glad that it's within easy walking distance of the campus, was getting concerned that it'd be miles away!

The route that has been given on the map for cars seems pretty easy to follow, whats the cut through route for those on foot? Would it be across the grassy bit and past Comp Science and Stats buildings?

Sam xxx

A route past the back of university house and then carrying on to the science park rather than taking the path round to Westwood would probably be a simple and quick route too seeing as the building is at that end of the Science park. Depends on where you are on campus really but thats the way I would go. That route is quite clear on the campus map rather than the google one.

I attatched the route I would take. I think it is more direct than going round to tesco and then through the whole sciene park..
Reply 17
I attatched the route I would take. I think it is more direct than going round to tesco and then through the whole sciene park..

That's much easier to see than on Google Maps, nice to see that we actually have a number now on the campus map rather than no idea where this building was going to be!

Think i would probably take this route, seems pretty direct from AV, JM and all the other accommodation.

Keep us posted with any info you hear on the grapevine!

Sam xxx