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Reply 1
It really depends. I mean it could take 6 months or a year. If your lucky and meet someone else who's really nice you could be feeling better in 6 weeks.
Reply 2
It is honestly different for everyone. I'll assume it'll take a little longer the first time, but really just bear in mind that there are much worse things, think of the fun you've had rather than the bad things. All that sort of gay crap.
Reply 3
We had dated for 3 days shy of a year. I was over her within two months, though she cheated on me, so I'm sure that helped. And yes, meeting someone new helps immensely. Even so, try not to think about it a lot. Go out and do stuff.
depends what you define as 'getting over' someone. I came to realise recently that I wasn't properly over my exboyfriend (even though I was the bad guy and have had a different boyfriend since yadiyada) and wouldn't be until I saw him happy with another girl, so I could get jealous then get over it. It's been around 18 months since we split.

However, I've heard it said that as a general rule, most people take half of the time to get over someone as was their relationship. So you're looking at around 6 months. But yes, distractions help a lot. Whether it's netball or a new boy. (new boy ftw!)
Reply 5
It might take the rest of your life....

....or you could meet me and forget about him :wink:
Reply 6
You could probably get over it in a day if you tried.
I'm sure theres a mathmatical formula for this. Works every time. Set in stone.

X x Y / X + T

X: Your rating of him out of ten. This is academic but lets call it 8.

Y: Your Age. Lets say 18 = approxemtally 864 weeks

T: Relationship duration = 11 month = 44 weeks

Therfore>>>>> [8 X 864] / [44+8]
6912 / 52 = 139

139 weeks = 33 months = 2 years and 9 months

Thats the number of weeks (139) it wil take, on the 139th week all your feelings will be eliminated from your mind and body. Like a light switch.
Reply 8
Slick 'n' Shady
I'm sure theres a mathmatical formula for this. Works every time. Set in stone.

X x Y / X + T

X: Your rating of him out of ten. This is academic but lets call it 8.

Y: Your Age. Lets say 18 = approxemtally 864 weeks

T: Relationship duration = 11 month = 44 weeks

Therfore>>>>> [8 X 864] / [44+8]
6912 / 52 = 139

139 weeks = 33 months = 2 years and 9 months

Thats the number of weeks (139) it wil take, on the 139th week all your feelings will be eliminated from your mind and body. Like a light switch.

I :love: you
I've just split up with my bf of 1 month which seems nothing compared to your 11 months... i guess it depends on how you deal with the situation but just go out have fun and meet new people, keep yourself occupied etc. Slick n shady's theory is very good though. Good luck with everything i'm sure you'll be fine and everything will feel better in time x
Tell you what, you hold the end of this piece of string, and I'll keep walking until we run out of string.

Well, how long is it?
Reply 11
Slick 'n' Shady
I'm sure theres a mathmatical formula for this. Works every time. Set in stone.

X x Y / X + T

X: Your rating of him out of ten. This is academic but lets call it 8.

Y: Your Age. Lets say 18 = approxemtally 864 weeks

T: Relationship duration = 11 month = 44 weeks

Therfore>>>>> [8 X 864] / [44+8]
6912 / 52 = 139

139 weeks = 33 months = 2 years and 9 months

Thats the number of weeks (139) it wil take, on the 139th week all your feelings will be eliminated from your mind and body. Like a light switch.

lol maths SHOULD work for everything in life.
thanks everyone else for their responses..i know its an impossible question to apply to everyone but i generally just wanted to know what other people's experiences had been.
It might take the rest of your life....

....or you could meet me and forget about him :wink:

Carl is teh sex ;yes;

But in answer to the OP's question, it is not something you can put a time frame on. It will probably take a while, considering it's your first relationship. And there will probably be times along the way when you think you're over him and then realise that perhaps you're not quite there yet. But be assured; you will get over him, move on and find someone else. Remember the good bits about the relationship, and don't hold regrets. Every relationship is an experience at least :smile:
Reply 13
Could take a day, could take a life-time. It's impossible to gauge.
....or you could meet me and forget about him :wink:


A: :date:


B: :knuddel:
Reply 14
its took me 2 months. Just try take your mind off things and youl be fine :hugs:
Reply 15
i had an 11 month relationship.took me 3/4 months (best thing is probably to go on a clean and full break up-cut the talking, the meeting by 95%min), trip to dubai, uni open days, talking to friends every nite, im glad it happened,got better fings to do
Reply 16
I just broke up with my boyfriend, and its the first relationship where i really cared, and still do, i realise each relationship is different..but on average, how long does it take to get over a guy you've been dating for a long time? (11months). what have your experiences been with this?

Well, first crush whom I met online and only met in person 3 times - I was young and naive and it took me just over a year... :rolleyes:

As for current relationship, we're still going strong, but he's my first love, so if things don't work out and we break up... gosh... Well we've had a bump on the road already, which we've sorted out, but it felt like I was going to die :redface: So I'll give myself a couple of years to get over this one, if needs be.
Reply 17
Well, first crush whom I met online and only met in person 3 times - I was young and naive and it took me just over a year... :rolleyes:

As for current relationship, we're still going strong, but he's my first love, so if things don't work out and we break up... gosh... Well we've had a bump on the road already, which we've sorted out, but it felt like I was going to die :redface: So I'll give myself a couple of years to get over this one, if needs be.

eugh all that time..makes you wonder whether its even worth it. Hope this one works out for you.
Reply 18
i had an 11 month relationship.took me 3/4 months (best thing is probably to go on a clean and full break up-cut the talking, the meeting by 95%min), trip to dubai, uni open days, talking to friends every nite, im glad it happened,got better fings to do

that is the approach i've taken so far. doesn't help that we go to the same school so i inevitably see him occasionally..
mm a trip to dubai..that DOES sound like a good distraction.
Someone at my school was going to commite suicide after his gf dumped him. (by jumping off the top a car park). He gained a big crowned and the police and fire brigade came and got him down. To be fair he did have other MAJOR issues in his life at the time. It didn't help that a week later he got bottled in a night club! Ture story.

The moral of the story is that there will always be people in worse situations than you. You can always over come emotion, it just takes time and having the right mindset.

Think of what other people are going through in the world and put your situation in retrospect. you'l soon realise its insignificant and then be able to move on.