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Reply 1
Last year I thought my teachers were all great...except for my english teachers. Now they seem to not care anymore, they only care about the lower sixth. :frown:

Funniest teacher ever and treats us with respect... although he always embarrasses me in class. I have a little crush on him :blush:.

OK teacher but always late or just doesn't turn up at all. Is obsessed with powerpoints and has a memory like a sieve.:rolleyes:

I absolutely hate this man!!! He is evil.:mad: :mad:
Reply 2
One is dyslexic, but also quite an intellectual so is bumbly and confusing. She also loses everything. She worries a lot and is very panicky. Hate her. To give you an example- when I was in year 10 and she was the head of media, my teacher put our coursework in her office. I'd hand done it and it hadn't been marked. She lost it because she thought it was the previous year's work.
The other guy is a great teacher, but not good at giving advice and understanding problems.

Couldn't complain about any of them really. They're incredibly supportive and know me like the back of their hand. They know exactly what they're doing, and they're the only members of staff who actually help me if there's a problem with the lesson.

One is incredibly nice, but very lazy. To give you guys an example, my mate Jade went to her to ask for help with some uni questions for an interview. She said "Go and ask Hannah and she'll help you instead."
The other one is overly critical and can get quite nasty, but she can't take criticism herself.

Overall, I'll be glad when I'm out and hope I can still produce great grades. I'll miss my German teachers a lot though. Fabulous women.
Reply 3
I have two teachers for each subject

Maths/Further Maths
Teacher 1 is always telling jokes, etc. :smile:
Teacher 2 (bonus) She is very good looking :smile: but can't teach well... :frown:

Teacher 1 is amazingly clever! (he did mechanical engineering at uni!)
Teacher 2 is the average physics teacher = old, fat and funny, bless him.

Teacher 1 - boring
Teacher 2 - a bit more creative than teacher 1, but she still bores me to death

Teacher 1 – she’s also a biology teacher, no wonder why I hate her.
Teacher 2 – average male teacher, knows what he's doing, worked in a nuclear power plant, blah blah
Reply 4

Couldn't complain about any of them really. They're incredibly supportive and know me like the back of their hand. They know exactly what they're doing, and they're the only members of staff who actually help me if there's a problem with the lesson.

Could that be because you're the only pupil?:p:
Reply 5
hey mods sorry for starting a thread in here. Can it be moved to the alevels sub-forum please.??
German- one teacher is good. The other isn't lol.

French- Crap.

Chemistry- urgh average.
Teacher 1 - the best teacher i could ever have but she pregnant so she leaving early. What am i going to do?
Teacher 2 - teach chemistry but does not actually know chemistry. He asks us for the answers as he does not know. He doen't follow safety rules when doing experiment.

she is the most evil, slooooooooow, boringness teacher in the world. oh she use to be chairmen of teaching psychology, how did she get that she is rubbish!

Teacher 1 - good but out of date
Teacher 2- good but out of date
Reply 8
Could that be because you're the only pupil?:p:

Partly, but two out of three of them have known for me for a few years when I had a completely full class. I just clicked with them instantly.
Reply 9
My core teacher is brilliant, a great guy who is very good at teaching. He makes quite a few mistakes but I think it does them just to make us think.
My stats teacher on the other hand is a witch. I'd be surprised if she even has a degree in maths considering how appalling she is at it. This combined with the fact that she's pure evil makes her just about my worst maths teacher to date.

He's not too bad. He doesn't stick to the specification which I think is a plus, but it'll make the exams perhaps a bit harder. I'll also have to teach myself a fair whack of the 2nd module because he won't finish it in time but no worries.

Both of them are reasonably good. One of them can't do practicals to save his life though :p:. I'll probably have to teach myself some of module 3 from chem too...

She's ok, she perhaps should know a bit more chemistry to compliment her biological knowledge but hey, I won't complain.

My Germany history teacher is incredibly annoying. He makes tons of rubbish jokes (mainly involving women) and teaches us things that are completely irrelevant. Then, after teaching us crap, he sets us an essay from a pastpaper and just expects us to know everything about it :mad:
My British history teacher is really funny but he's not really a good teacher. I don't really care though, 2 periods a week in hysterics is worth a U :p:
Teacher 1; Great, we did our coursework and luther with her and it been soo interesting she knows how to teach A level.
Teacher 2: Absolutely terrible, she can't teach, she just mumbles on to herself and says your crap when you don't do well.


Nice guy, but he's only 26 and a bit of a big kid really, so doesn't really tecch well. Also quite lazy but I got an A in my AS jan so hey. (I did however not go to any politics lessons for two weeks running up to the exam as i felt lesson time would be wasted and I would be more productive on my own. The rest of the class' results went 1 C, 2D's, 1E and 4U's so I think maybe that reflects his teching ability slightly - I'm better off without him lol)

Teacher 1: fairly good but i think he approaches things all wrongly, kinda the same way as GCSE.
Teacher 2: Utterly terrible. He's useless, forgets to turn up for lessons. Is alway 10-20 minuites late. He has repeated a lesson 5 times because he kept on forgetting he had already taught us, or maybe just didn't know what to do next. He bores me. He's weird, like he won't get when the whole of his class is laughing at him. He teaches tediously. He never lets you out of lesson ontime. he's will go off topic for a whole lesson and at the end after writing loads of notes and trying to listen he will say ' but you won't need to know any of that for your exam' :mad: . He walks into table's. He looks like a greasy monkey. The list goes on. However he is a very intellegent guy and what he does know he knows well, he just isn't on the same planet as you and me.
Teacher 3; Well it bad enough that we have three teachers for a start - confusing :confused:. But this one we Haven't seen for going on three and a half months so, were not getting much learning done there. We don't even get a replacement.

Psychology :
She's cool, young and on our level and she can teach well.

Terrible. She's actually a Biology tecaher believe and can only really properly teach the stuff that is the same level as GCSE - which isn't much at A level. :frown:
Reply 11
Teachs chemistry in an interesting way . Reasonably good.
Knows lots about it, seems to be helpful but when explaining - gets very boring you want to sleep. Literally.
English Language
Always to the point, Interesting and has a funny 'aroma' about her.
Teacher 1 - Seems to love us doing group presentations and writing things on the board. He is a crap teacher because he always reads off the board exactly and off his pages exactly. Not reasonably good
Teacher 2 - rambles on about everything, and everything. Even went on to describe genetic engineering WTF? Reasonably good teacher, knows exactly what hes doing.
Reply 12
Teacher 1: A laugh, sociable. However rushes through material and appears lazy despite being head of maths often sayin "and you can do the rest if you want but i cant be bothered now". Buys cake and sweets for us often oddly enough. Luckily she teaches us hte easy stuff like binomial, vectors etc.
Overall: Okay

Teacher 2: Very good, thorough, works a lot of it through at home in prep, gives her own time readily. Approachable, though our lessons are very fast everyone gets help when needed, and overall good results!
Overall: Great

Hes very approachable, takes a lot of time and care to students, thinking of us before the subject as a whole. Doesnt care for general 6th form trends and rules, but gets a large number of good grades! Very likeable, helpful and good to know.
Overall: Brilliant

Hes funny, and our relationship is more friend than teacher - student, as is with the whole class. It is always a large joke. the support is there despite his very busy timetable and commitments, he reformed ICT and Computing at our school. Computing had never seen above a C and got 4 A's at AS, and 4 A's and a B ont he january summer module.
Overall: Brilliant

ICT likewise i think it was 5 out of 7 got A's in their AS module. Hes done an amazing job with a difficult department of teachers leaving and such.

Government and Politics

I do AS and A2 currently:
Teacher 1
Shes great very methodical, uses a variety of learning techniques (as shes learning coordinator at our school...) from group work, presentations, independent learning, debates, chinese whispers and god knows what! Lessons although hard working tend to be fun enough, and relaxed despite the difference in level of ability in class. However she does NOT like no hwk :p:
Overall: Excellent

Teacher 2
Slightly different approach, lots of independent learning and dictation. Some group works and presentations. However she agreed to help me crash course A2 for summer in about 6 months. So very good in my books, we have 3 hours a week one on one tuition, and has agreed to do more so of her own frees and out of school time as needed!

so in my opinion: Amazing :P
Reply 13
Maths:- Very good. Just like any other good quality maths teacher.

Physics:- Very good dedicated physics teacher, who often quite a bit of dry bit. Its the fact that its sooooo not funny, that it is funny.

Economics:- Awful, awful. However one of them is new and tries real hard to teach us the theory. Bless him, hope he does well in life.

Politics:- One is true gem; the other quite the opposite. The gem is a real quality teacher of THE highest calibre', with 30 years of teaching experience, and very dedicated for getting B grade pupils making the A's. One downside of him is that his arrogance is overwhelming and therefore i prefer the other average politics teacher.

so overall, very good teachers.
Sociology: young, enthusiastic teacher, respects us, we respect her, she's on our wavelength, we have some really good discussions and the class get on really well with her. She's also a good teacher which helps!!

English Literature and Language
Teacher 1: Hmm not sure what to make of her, sometimes like her sometimes don't, a good teacher though. But this is the language side of english so it's the more boring of the two which doesnt help.
Teacher 2: Great teacher, very friendly, approachable, supportive and likes our class which is a bonus! Manages to make Wuthering Heights enjoyable which illustrates good teaching i think!!

Teacher 1: Have been on school trips with him in the past so already we get on well, likes to talk about random stuff eg, skinny jeans or eastenders etc. A good teacher, likes our class and we generally have a laugh,sets lots of essays which i guess is good in the long run...
Teacher 2: Good teacher, nice person, approachable and supportive. We have some good discussions with him, the class dont tend to take him seriously and so don't do the hwk lol.

Health and Social Care
2 teachers (although 1 only once a week) i only took this subject because the other 3 are essay 1's so this was meant to be a 'doss'. It's pretty common sensical, the teacher is nice but i just don't feel like im being challenged enough, but its a good subject to relax in - until coursework comes...
Reply 15
Teacher 1: Had him last year, only noticed now that he is really respected in the field and has published text books and is quite high on the examining board. Very intimidating and his compliments are few are and far between, but he's the best teacher I've ever had.

Teacher 2: I think i like her, shes almost a hypochondriac, she is always telling us to take it easy or to look at the answers because she assumes we are all ill, like she is. At least she's never missed a lesson, but she talks about her cats too much.

Teacher 1: Funniest teacher I think I've had, our lessons remind me of an episode of Have I got News For You or some other satirical game show.

Teacher 2: Originally from Togo, very enthusiastic, has promised to break dance for us. He's a lovable teacher and everyone he teaches thinks he is the best.

Maths: Only have one teacher, she spends most of her time complaining to us that we are behind the other classes, yet she is always 5-10mins late. She also spends a lot of time telling us why we should know things we don't, and making mistakes in her examples.

Teacher 1: Had her for two years now, quite like her, but she's gone a bit crazy this year, made two people cry about resits and lost it at a girl who asked a stupid question.

Teacher 2: So sarcastic that it scares me. I spend most of the lesson trying to laugh at the right time and avoid asking any questions.
Reply 16
Business Studies - Brilliant. He's actually made me enjoy Business which is surprising given it a) should be boring b) is a crap subject.

Sociology - LEGEND!! Totally on our wavelength (she went to the same college to do her A-levels when she was 17!).

German - Nicest teacher I've ever had!!! My German has improved ten-fold since I started and I now (*gasp*) understand the Cases system because of her.
Teacher 1: Was a very cool teacher but at times was just too laid back. Puts people on the spot too much especially those who were sitting on A*s at GCSE and by the way I went from an A* to a D at AS down to this teaching method. Shameful!

Teacher 2: I think she hates me. I am a naturally quiet person but because of that perhaps she thinks I am lazy and uninvolved with the subject. Most classes she just ignores me and she gives everyone else in the class extra help and extra classes but she never does the same for me down to clashing timetables. At the moment it's sort of getting me down and I am worried that I am going to fail.:frown:

Has great intentions but if she would just carry them out for once then the class would benefit more. Too busy being the VP to care about our needs. I suppose what really opened her eyes was the fact that most the people in her classes are failing.

I dont really have any problems with her but most people in my class seem to be bitching that they will need a tutor to get through their A Level Chemistry. Maybe if they would stop complaining and get on with the work they would achieve the grades they want. As for me, I think I will need some extra help from the teacher to get through this subject. No matter how much work I do I never get my just rewards. Perhaps the teacher has sensed this as in my last report she commented that if I needed some help I should ask.
Reply 18
History: One very good - Cambridge graduate who explains material clearly and marks fairly. One good - nothing to complain about, generally teaches in a clear and reasonable way.

English: One excellent - expects superhuman performance but marking is, nonetheless, fair and final grades consistently reflect it. Knowledge of the subject is second to none. One good: she's very young and I can remember when she was in the sixth form herself. She's inexperienced and you can tell, but she's still better than some of the alternatives in the department, and she will be better with time.

One very very bad -
Spends, at most, 5% of his time on material related to the subject, tells you a piece of coursework is good before taking it in an awarding it very low grades. Unfortunately he also works for the exam board, and thus no moderator ever questions his obviously inconsistent and generally bad marking.

One dire: stuck up prick who thinks he's running a business and we're his under-performing employees, when in reality he simply can't teach to save his life and shows stupidly over-simplistic powerpoint presentations. He doesn't actually understand most of the syllabus himself... Oh and he marks practice papers in a way that I can only presume somebody is paying him to reduce the grade attainment.
Reply 19
Teacher one - He tries, but fails. Zero class control, and often gets himself involved in the pointless little conversations that our class had. No wonder last year for AS only one person got an A (a scrape too) in his side of the course, compared to about 8 or 9 on the other teachers side (4 of them were full marks).

Teacher two - Way better. She actually controls the class and teaches it well.


Teacher one - Doesn't really like me that much since I don't do any work or contribute to lessons, despite actually being at the top of the class. Not a bad teacher though.

Teacher two - He was a prick, but he disappeared somewhere so who cares.


Teacher one - Talks with his eyes closed for about 50 minutes at a time, and often doesn't know what he's talking about. Plus, he also gives me C's for pieces of work, despite getting straight A's in modules.

Teacher two - Pretty good. She knows a bit, but isn't all that great at controlling the class.