The Student Room Group

Transfer to York

Hello! I was wondering if you lovely people on the York forum could give me some information about what York is like in general? I'm currently at university and thinking of transferring out. York was my first choice when I applied in 2005 so I know the general things about campus, etc but I was wondering if people could let me know what the nightlife is like? Mix of people? etc. It's a big decision if I do decide to transfer and I don't want to spend the next two years regretting it. Any information much appreciated!! Thank you :biggrin:
Reply 1
Not one person on the York forum knows what its like living in York?!?!
Reply 2
Im hoping its good, and ive heard from a student there that its just a amazing new experiance, and you make bonds really fast! im pretty adamant on going to York, it seems great- and my student contact was really positive in all her praises at the whole experiance of making new friends. im only planning on going for 07' so i cant give you any insight, sorry.
i guess lots of ppl are fed up of having to answer these sorts of questions...

For example:
Reply 4
i guess lots of ppl are fed up of having to answer these sorts of questions...

For example:

Thanks. Do you find any of the societies cliquey?
Reply 5
oh there's tons of societies- go to this website- and it gives you a better look at York, than the webpage its the student union website:

hope it helps!
I transferred to York from Imperial, and am very, very glad I did. I like York much more than I did Imperial.
Reply 7
Rock_eleven, that's interesting because I chose York over imperial (Comp Sci) and have been slightly regretting it. What didn't you like about it?
Rock_eleven, that's interesting because I chose York over imperial (Comp Sci) and have been slightly regretting it. What didn't you like about it?

everything. It was just repulsive.

Well, no, some bits were cool. South Kensington is quite a beautiful part of London, off the main roads anyway. But still, I wouldn't want to have lived there another year.

Some people love London, some don't.

As for the uni, well it just seemed like some cross between a factory and a prison, it wasn't great. I have some good memories of my time there, especially now after 10 months away from it (you only remember the good parts), but certainly while I was there I wasn't very happy.

I know a guy doing comp sci (I think) at Imperial if you want to talk to him. Add me on msn.
