The Student Room Group

Craving unprotected sex?

Is this a normal urge? I'm normally really careful and responsible as I don't want to get pregnant right now. I always tell my bf to be careful with the condom etc. However last night we were having sex, I was getting really into it and I begged him to take the condom off. I really wanted to feel him inside me without latex in the way, and I kept begging until he gave in and took it off. I knew it was stupid but I didn't care - my boyfriend was shocked. He thinks it's some kind of subconscious urge to be pregnant or something?

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Reply 1
You could both get checked for STIs and then you can go on the pill or another method of hormonal contraception if you do not want to use condoms. But make sure neither of you has any STIs first.

EDIT: You should probably get the morning after pill ASAP.
Reply 2
you won't be having 9 months time.
Reply 3
yes she will. pregnancy often results in strange cravings :p:
op are you not on any other form of contraceptive?
In all fairness, latex lowers sensitivity for both people.
What a weird request. You don't want STDs or a baby, yet you ask for unprotected sex? I'm baffled.
Reply 6
Yeah, Condoms suck although are unfortunately necessary.

It's not that weird, sex feels a lot better for both people without a condom, although obviously it's not worth the risk.
No method of contraception is 100% effective but condoms do protect the best against STIs, if you are confident that you and your partner are clean and want to just rely on one for of contraception then you have to make that decision. Personally I would think it unwise unless you are in a position to support a child should a pregnancy occur. We all have our urges, part of being human is learning to control them.
Its totally normal and understandable. Listen to Talya, her words are 100% wisdom.
my boyfriend was shocked. He thinks it's some kind of subconscious urge to be pregnant or something?

Choose a namme for the baby.
Latex would be a good name.
Reply 10
i think its normal. this is one of the reasons i dont believe in condoms. sex has 2 functions. to make babies and to consolidate the bond of man and wife. i think condoms would prove to be a psychological barrier to loving the person you are with, tht you are not open to the prospect of making new life

however man and wife means marriage. no marriage = no condoms no sex

get wed before you bed!
Its normal as its said above & it does feel better(a lottttt better in my case)'ll just need to get checked first & then use some other kind of contraception method eg. pill, injection etc.....& all shall be okk :biggrin:
Reply 12
well not if it makes you slur :rolleyes:
Reply 13
i think its normal. this is one of the reasons i dont believe in condoms. sex has 2 functions. to make babies and to consolidate the bond of man and wife. i think condoms would prove to be a psychological barrier to loving the person you are with, tht you are not open to the prospect of making new life

however man and wife means marriage. no marriage = no condoms no sex

get wed before you bed!

Can we please give them advice instead of just telling them to be abstinent? This is The Student Room not The Christian Student Room.
Reply 14
get wed before you bed!

o crap now im going to hell :frown::p:
Reply 15
Just go on the pill!?
Reply 16
Can we please give them advice instead of just telling them to be abstinent? This is The Student Room not The Christian Student Room.

i did not mention Christianity. I also do not think there is a problem advising premarital abstinance.

condoms can burst, and even the pill has risks. it is much better, i think to advise abstinence than advise abortion when it all goes wrong.
Agree if you want that get the pill and get checked for STI's, both of you.
Is this a normal urge? I'm normally really careful and responsible as I don't want to get pregnant right now. I always tell my bf to be careful with the condom etc. However last night we were having sex, I was getting really into it and I begged him to take the condom off. I really wanted to feel him inside me without latex in the way, and I kept begging until he gave in and took it off. I knew it was stupid but I didn't care - my boyfriend was shocked. He thinks it's some kind of subconscious urge to be pregnant or something?

If you want to 'feel him', so to speak, get on the pill. Thats all there really is to it. Anyhow now you've felt him in you you probobly aren't exactly inclined to go back, given that you were so willing to risk it already. :>.<:
Reply 19
i did not mention Christianity. I also do not think there is a problem advising premarital abstinance.

condoms can burst, and even the pill has risks. it is much better, i think to advise abstinence than advise abortion when it all goes wrong.

Clearly she wants to have sex and has already done so. It is better for us to give her advice than tell her to be abstinent, she goes off an has sex without a condom because she doesn't know any better (because no one gave her advice) and comes back here in 9 months saying 'what happened?!'