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Life expectancy of someone whom is HIV positive

As the title suggests would anyone happen to know? I know someone (don't wanna say who) who has tested postive twice for HIV. He recently started taking medication..... antiretroviral drugs I think they are called, and his condition has slightly improved in the last fortnight. But I was wondering how long is he going to be able to survive for? He was diagnosed at quite a late stage (when his health was seriously deteriorating) but I would really like to know. All the websites I have visited seemed rather vague on life expectancy on HIV positive people. :frown:
A quick search found a similar question that may be of help :smile: , of course every case is different. I'm sorry about your friend.

Q: My boyfriend is 28 and became HIV positive two years ago. I would like to know what will be approximately his life expectancy with a suitable treatment?

A: The answer to this question is very difficult. Prior to any effective treatment the prognosis was 10 years of life. We now know that there is a variable period of time between a positive blood test, an increased viral load, a decreased lymphocyte count and finally the onset of symptoms. Treatment has some definite side effects but is much, much better than before. I believe you will need to discuss this with your doctor who know all the characteristic of your boyfriend's positive test.

I don't think you'll get anything more than a general answer without asking the patient, who should know more accurately from their doctor.
As the title suggests would anyone happen to know? I know someone (don't wanna say who) who has tested postive twice for HIV. He recently started taking medication..... antiretroviral drugs I think they are called, and his condition has slightly improved in the last fortnight. But I was wondering how long is he going to be able to survive for? He was diagnosed at quite a late stage (when his health was seriously deteriorating) but I would really like to know. All the websites I have visited seemed rather vague on life expectancy on HIV positive people. :frown:

its really quite variable, but depends somewhat on age too.

but these days 15+ years at least are often expected.
you have to remember the the really decent drug regimes are only 10-15 years old, so we don't have any decent data through yet, but its all about being totally compliant, and prompt treatment of any infections.

O, and not doing this whole gay thing (not heard of it in straight cricles) of the moment and having unprotected sex with other HIV+ people.
Catching HepB or C will certainly knock that 20+ years down a chunk.
Reply 3
its really quite variable, but depends somewhat on age too

Hes 19 years old. He contracted the virus from a previous sexual partner when he was in the USA during last summer. I'm guessing the younger you are the stronger your immunue system and the longer you live.
Hes 19 years old. He contracted the virus from a previous sexual partner when he was in the USA during last summer. I'm guessing the younger you are the stronger your immunue system and the longer you live.

no, people who catch it younger (by this i mean pre-puberty) tend to die much sooner.
Esp people born with it. they're basically screwed.
I'm amazed he has developed AIDs so soon after being infected with the virus. Has his immune system been weakened by something else since he was in the US?
Reply 6
That was unlucky because the transmission rate is really really low. I think the life expectancy depends on various things, but I think the sooner you find out and start on the drugs the better. Although I'm confused because I'm sure it takes less than a year for HIV to develop into AIDS>?
Reply 7
eerr I never said he developed into the AIDS yet. He contracted I think in the June period when he just got to the USA. But he is very prone to ilness though, in that he is the person whom is out of school due to sickness the most.

when his health was seriously deteriorating

I kinda exaggerated things here..... But he was losing quite a bit of weight and he was getting sick though.
I think, as was already said, that the life expectancy depends on various different factors...not sure what though.

A close family member of mine was diagnosed with HIV just over 20 years ago and he's still here fighting it with a very strong will even after having other medical complications develop along with it over the years. I'd say it's totally down to the individual sufferer.
Reply 9
A sexual health doctor once told me that in the UK, the life expectancy of an HIV positive person is the same as that of an HIV negative person.
You signed up and bumped a 3 year old thread to post that?!
Reply 11
Well, signing up took all of five seconds, and I didn't actually look at the date on the thread. Such discussions are timeless, no?