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Why am I so bad at football?

Honestly it's my favourite sport, I love football and would rather do it then weightlifting, but there's a problem, I'm so bad at it it's not even funny, i'm 5'11 and around about 92kg, I'm quite fast actually but other then that I am terrible at all aspects of it. I've been playing for aorund 6 years now and I still can't do more then 5 kicks up, I am awful on the ball, can't pass it or dribble past anyone I just look so unnatural on the ball, I'm basically the kid who always got picked last in football, what should I do? Should I just give up, I swear it must be my genetics that prevent me from playing properly

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Reply 1
Original post by Snakebite
Honestly it's my favourite sport, I love football and would rather do it then weightlifting, but there's a problem, I'm so bad at it it's not even funny, i'm 5'11 and around about 92kg, I'm quite fast actually but other then that I am terrible at all aspects of it. I've been playing for aorund 6 years now and I still can't do more then 5 kicks up, I am awful on the ball, can't pass it or dribble past anyone I just look so unnatural on the ball, I'm basically the kid who always got picked last in football, what should I do? Should I just give up, I swear it must be my genetics that prevent me from playing properly

How is your general coordination (regardless of football)? If you enjoy it, keep playing.
Whatever you do, don't give up!
Just keep trying and you will get better! :smile:
Reply 3
Original post by Andy98
How is your general coordination (regardless of football)? If you enjoy it, keep playing.

I think my upper body co ordination is alright but my lower body co ordination due to football I think it absolute ____ lol.
Unfortunately, technique and ball control is something you need to learn as a child and then it becomes second nature. You can be very physically fit, have a great knowledge of the tactical side to football and everything that comes with it but you cannot gain a perfect touch for the ball if you're starting to play after the age of about 11/12 I would say. By that age your peers are going to be miles ahead of you. You can improve, sure, but don't ever expect to be as comfortable as people you play against if you started playing football late.

If you love playing then keep playing, how good you are compared to others shouldn't stop you. As long as you enjoy it that's all that matters.
Just because we are not great at something does not mean we should discard it completely, maybe you could leave it as a hobby?
Reply 6
[QUOTE="Little;59747713" Wilfred="Wilfred"]Unfortunately, technique and ball control is something you need to learn as a child and then it becomes second nature. You can be very physically fit, have a great knowledge of the tactical side to football and everything that comes with it but you cannot gain a perfect touch for the ball if you're starting to play after the age of about 11/12 I would say. By that age your peers are going to be miles ahead of you. You can improve, sure, but don't ever expect to be as comfortable as people you play against if you started playing football late.

If you love playing then keep playing, how good you are compared to others shouldn't stop you. As long as you enjoy it that's all that matters.[/QUOTE

Original post by JakeyJakeJake
Just because we are not great at something does not mean we should discard it completely, maybe you could leave it as a hobby?

Thanks guys, I want to make it a hobby not expecting to sign for Cheltenham Town guys lol everyone is on the gym hype but I rather prefer football
Reply 7
Original post by Snakebite
I think my upper body co ordination is alright but my lower body co ordination due to football I think it absolute ____ lol.

Ahh I was gonna say if your coordination is out of whack it might be worth getting checked for dyspraxia. But I think Wilfred summed it up in this case.
Original post by Snakebite
Thanks guys, I want to make it a hobby not expecting to sign for Cheltenham Town guys lol everyone is on the gym hype but I rather prefer football

Some things that will improve your ball control is playing with different sizes of football (tennis balls, size 3 balls and so on), kicking balls against a wall like kick ups and controlling with either foot and both thighs, don't let the ball hit the floor. Just practice mate. Try playing with no shoes as well. You get a better touch for the ball, then try in boots again.

Go up the park and spend an hour or so just smashing balls into the net, trying to hit one side of the goal from 30 yards, then 40 etc.

How old are you?
Reply 9
1000 touches a day (7 minutes) :
(edited 9 years ago)
Original post by Snakebite
Honestly it's my favourite sport, I love football and would rather do it then weightlifting, but there's a problem, I'm so bad at it it's not even funny, i'm 5'11 and around about 92kg, I'm quite fast actually but other then that I am terrible at all aspects of it. I've been playing for aorund 6 years now and I still can't do more then 5 kicks up, I am awful on the ball, can't pass it or dribble past anyone I just look so unnatural on the ball, I'm basically the kid who always got picked last in football, what should I do? Should I just give up, I swear it must be my genetics that prevent me from playing properly

Calm down, guy! not every single football player has the makings of become a Messi. I can tell the same about me. Don't lose your passion in playing football, improve your skills where you can and play as good as you can.
1000 touches a day (7 minutes) :

He makes it look so easy :lol:
Original post by zyzzyspirit
He makes it look so easy :lol:

They are. They are entry level moves.
Original post by Wilfred Little
They are. They are entry level moves.

Some of them yes, the others look like they'd need a fair bit of practice.
Original post by zyzzyspirit
Some of them yes, the others look like they'd need a fair bit of practice.

Well you're not going to be good at anything if you don't practice..
Reply 15
As the saying goes "practice makes perfect". David Beckham used to practice hours upon hours a day just trying to swerve a ball round a tree.

As for kick-ups there is a certain technique to it, that can allow you to go on until your legs drop off. Just google football tutorials and I'm sure that will make a massive difference.
Reply 16
There is a theory that's going found that states it roughly takes 10,000 hours to achieve mastery in a field.

It has nothing to do with genetics. Mo Farah has an identical twin brother who can't run for squat.
Reply 17
Same here dude. 😭😭 actually annoys me how bad i am.
Reply 19
Original post by Snakebite
Honestly it's my favourite sport, I love football and would rather do it then weightlifting, but there's a problem, I'm so bad at it it's not even funny, i'm 5'11 and around about 92kg, I'm quite fast actually but other then that I am terrible at all aspects of it. I've been playing for aorund 6 years now and I still can't do more then 5 kicks up, I am awful on the ball, can't pass it or dribble past anyone I just look so unnatural on the ball, I'm basically the kid who always got picked last in football, what should I do? Should I just give up, I swear it must be my genetics that prevent me from playing properly

I think your right, some people have natural talent... others have the opposite. Maybe find something you have natural talent in?