The Student Room Group

AiDA / CiDA / DiDA

I am currently taking CiDA at my secondary school. I am doing both units D201 & D202. I was wondering if anyone could offer tips on how to gain extra marks that could have been overlooked, etc. Also, are there any live ePortfolios available to look at on the internet? I found one last year, but the author took it down :frown:
Thanks! :biggrin:
Never heard of that, what is it?
Reply 2
To be honest, I have no idea myself! I went into Year 10 thinking that I would be doing GNVQ as the previous years had done before. To my surprise, we were told (during the first lesson) that we were going to be doing something totally different. I can't remember why exactly, but when I heard the words "Paperless course" I jumped up with joy and thought it would be a breeze! Turned out that it really, really, really, really, sucked as it's just a project that you would do in any other subject, with the exception of only using ICT throughout the course. This means that more focus is on planning, getting feedback and improving your work, showing evidence of nearly every single stage as you go along. I've also noticed that the grade marks/boundaries seem to get higher every 6 months!

DiDA (Diploma in Digital Applications) = 4 GCSEs
CiDA (Certificate in Digital Applications) = 2 GCSEs
AiDA (Achievement in Digital Applications) = 1 GCSE

As it was the first time my school had taken this new course, the teachers didn't know anything about it (not like they did with the other courses anyway) and we were told to do things that ended up making every single pupil fail!
This now meant that we had only a single year left to complete all four units! After doing the first two units well (on my own), I gained 3x the amount of marks more than any other student. And now as I only have about 2 months of school left, I have decided to enter only those two units and gain a CiDA (2 GCSEs). I hate being the only smart one :mad:

PS - Heres a link for some more info:
Ah, should have known Edexcel were behind it...

*Misunderstood reply was here*
Reply 4
No, sorry I don't understand that at all :s-smilie:

We are doing something different which is related to the things you do in GNVQ, but in different ways. It is a relatively new course, which would explain not many people doing it. Thanks for the reply though! :smile:
No, sorry I don't understand that at all :s-smilie:

We are doing something different which is related to the things you do in GNVQ, but in different ways. It is a relatively new course, which would explain not many people doing it. Thanks for the reply though! :smile:

:redface: Oh my gawd.... i posted it in the wrong thread...what a tit i am:redface:

How embarrasing.... will have to edit post...

Anyway, as i've said in a few other posts, if then teacher is useless there should always be a way around it. Especially with a subject such as ICT. At least you aren't failing like other students and should be proud you dug yourself out of the hole you were in...:yy: