The Student Room Group
So where can i see who the famous ones are?
So where can i see who the famous ones are?

* Bill Clinton, President of the United States, 1992-2000
* Tony Blair, UK Prime Minister since 1997
* Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury since 2002
* Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web
* Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan
* King Abdullah of Jordan
* David Cameron, Leader of the Conservative Party
* Sir Martin Ryle, Nobel Prize-winning physicist
* Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, 1966-1977 & 1980-1984
* Dom Mintoff, Prime Minister of Malta, 1955-1958 & 1971-1984
* Margaret Thatcher, UK Prime Minister, 1979-1990
* Malcolm Fraser, Prime Minister of Australia, 1975-1983
* Bob Hawke, Prime Minister of Australia, 1983-1991
* Hon Raymond Robinson, President of Trinidad and Tobago, 1997-2003
* Baruch S Blumberg, Nobel Prize-winning scientist
* Professor Stephen Hawking, physicist
* Harald V, King of Norway since 1991
* Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India since May 2004
* John Kufuor, President of Ghana since 2001
* Aung San Suu Kyi, leader, Burmese National League for Democracy and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
* Professor Michael Spence, Nobel Prize-winning economist

Oh, my bad ! Those were all graduates of Oxford.
Reply 3
har har, you're funny; nobody gives a ****.