Hell man. you still don't know. Any way I don't want to demotivate you. If you have already started do your best to complete it as soon as possible.
I did complete mine about three months ago. I did a book keeping course. As I had some qualification and experience I was able to complete it (ECDL, CAT, SAGE, CV Guide) within about 6 months. it was pretty clear they, didn't expect such thing. Anyway after wasting about another 8 weeks of my time (so called administration process), they asked me to apply for 15 jobs every week for eight weeks, and send a copy of each application to them as well. It was a real headache, because they do not accept email applications or any application sent to recruitment agencies. So it is essential to find jobs direct from employees.
Once you send application pack for any week, they review it contact some employers and will send you a feedback(though it is funny, it always contain things like "Line Busy", "call later"). Worst thing is, if they reject at least one application they you will have to repeat the whole set again.
Somehow I managed to go through all these steps. Still no result. Now they should at least refund my money. I can not comment on that yet, because I need to see how it is going. Any way I will definitely update you on that later.
For the moment. They don't have any connection with the industry. So definitely they won't find you a job. Even though they talk about a Job Search, They can't even provide you a one single vacancy outside internet advertisements ( they sent me about 8 vacancies each week , but all those from Job center Plus or Total Jobs)
They Just sell you a course. If you complete the course It is your responsibility to find a job. Otherwise they have thousand conditions to keep your money.
So why go to them and pay 2000 pounds.
This is my experience so far. I will keep you updated