The Student Room Group

Talybont court

Is anyone going to choose talybont court and if so why did u choose it?

To me it looked closer to the uni than taly south but in the brochure it says its the same distance. It does look all new and lovely but do u get more for your money i.e are the bedrooms bigger?

Oh and lastly, what is it like socially in taly court, is it anything compared to the main talybont area?

Just asked because im stuck between putting talybont court or south as my first choice.

Reply 1
the distance between taly south and taly court is negligible, maybe a 5 min walk between the furthest points. I personally would go for talysouth or even north over court anyday. court is generally not very sociable, there are anomolies of course but this is a general reputation, and i have seen nothing to dispell the myth personally!
Yeah I wouldn't personally take the distance into account - it's barely 5 minutes, and what you'd lose in distance going to lectures you'd just make up going to Tesco or the social! :biggrin:

I'm in Court and I would partially agree with what dan_black said. I am on a floor which isn't very social at all - I met one girl from the same floor as me for the very first time at the beginning of this semester for example. However, I also know that the floor above us is very different, keeping their flat doors open all the time etc. It really is the luck of the draw - in South you only have 2 flats to a floor (?), where as in Court there are 6 flats to a floor (in my house anyway) and hence it's a little harder to socialise together.

The rooms are very nice here, at least I've loved mine. Rooms are bigger than South certainly, and the ensuite has a proper shower (a very good shower I must say..) rather than the wet room type thing I think they have in South. Although obviously you're paying alot extra for this!

So I'd basically say the rooms here are much nicer but yes, from what I can tell South is more sociable. Small upside to that is that it's generally a bit quieter here - I have someone near me who insists on playing heavy bass music every so often, but in general I never have a problem with noise stopping me working or anything.

Oh, we have a lift. I'm a very lazy person on the 4th floor, so things like this matter to me. :biggrin:

Anything else you want to know just ask! :smile:
Reply 3
woahhh....theres no lift in the others?? how many floors are we talking about here?
South buildings have 3 floors I believe (not including ground), I'm not sure about North.
do all the talybonts have free buses like university hall?
Nope! Mwahahaha! (Not that there's really a need for it... to be fair, even uni hall is only a half hour walk away... not that I complain when it's raining and I arrive to lectures nice and dry, unlike all those Talybonters :biggrin:)
Reply 7
do all the talybonts have free buses like university hall?

No, but you get a free night bus between the union to Talybont (there and back) after nights out which is nice when it's tipping it down with rain. Talybont is like 15-20 minutes from lectures, there's really no need for a bus.
Not any more, they cancelled that for all halls- too much abuse from drunken students! Or at least this term they did, it might be back in September.
so in the middle of the night they want you to walk...
Reply 10
so in the middle of the night they want you to walk...

Tbh it's not that far really, and you can always get a taxi if you don't want to walk. It's a safe road though.
Plus to Uni Halls you'll never pay more than £1.50-£2 a person with a full cab (and the latter rare and a complete rip!) so Talybont would, presumably, be even cheaper. Yeah, it means that unless you're willing to go off in a taxi on your own and pay a fortune then you have to wait until other people are ready to go before you leave, but generally if you want to go that early then there'll be other people who want to too... Plus the mini bus stopped at 1:45 anyway, so doesn't make much difference if you're in town tbh...
Hi! I'm a new member here and I'm planning to have my postgraduate diploma next year in Cardiff.
I'm interested in staying in Talybont court . Does anybody has photos from the recidence and the rooms or at least knows how I can find such images ???
Is anyone going to choose talybont court and if so why did u choose it?

To me it looked closer to the uni than taly south but in the brochure it says its the same distance. It does look all new and lovely but do u get more for your money i.e are the bedrooms bigger?

Oh and lastly, what is it like socially in taly court, is it anything compared to the main talybont area?

Just asked because im stuck between putting talybont court or south as my first choice.


I don't go to Cardiff. but a few of my friends do.
one of my friend's is at talybont court and her room is lush, and much bigger than my best mate's, who lives in taly north.
however the one in court says everyones really unsocial.
and my best mate says taly north n south hate the court people- cause they have the best rooms lol.

hope it helped :smile:.

ps. i went around for an open day last year and liked talybont court best.
Reply 14
With court you pay for the luxuries really. It's much more expensive than South and North.

Yet its prices would still be the same as some grotty shared bathroom thing in southern England, no doubt.

Distance depends on which end of South you get. I, for example, am right next door :biggrin: But it'd add no more than 5 mins to your journey time.

Oh, and about South and North hating court, it's when the ground floor kitchens dont shut their blinds (the kitchen windows are the walls), revealing the lovely kitchen inside- we get jealous, we can't help it!
thank you very much about the answers and the comments about the Talybont Court , hoewever I'm still wondering where can I find photos from that residence!
moshing-fairy could you tell your friend who stays at Talybont Court to upload some photos? :smile:
Reply 16
Hiya, I'm in Talybont Court, I'll post some photos up when I find my camera :-)