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Reply 1
nottingham is very much like london in terms of black people. you can get plantain hairdressers yams and all that stuff. but i wouldnt hang round those areas too often.
Eskimo, its cool, you can get loads stuff like that in areas like radford and hyson green. Ignore the stuff about not staying in them, people make nottingham like its beirut but thats a load of crap.
Reply 3
you can get plantain and stuff in the market in victoria centre,and there are people who know people who do hair etc so it's all good :smile:
i don't around those places much but that's a personal choice
Reply 4
5% of the population is black, which is more than other big cities in the UK. Asians make up about 10% of the population. To put this into context, out of every 100 people you see there are 15 non-whites. But in multicultural areas such as hysongreen about 50% of the population is non-white.
When i was at open day i havent seen any black or indian people in town but seen 5-6 at uni and there was quite a lot of chinese people
Reply 6
Reply 7
Ah, good. Was just thinking of all the things I know how to cook and started panicking. Catford (where I live in London) is like Hyson green I guess then, at least 60% Black. Um, it can be quite loud! :biggrin:
January Victim
there are soo many black people! too many even. what open day did you go for? maybe there aren't many on your course.i know there are about 4 including myself in my course,but outside my course,there are loads and loads.obviously there are more chinese,because they are everywhere but there aer enough black people around that you could even begin to hate it.

Mechanical engineering and from about 40 people that came only 1 girl was black, 4 or 5 more I saw when we was shown campus, all others was probably hiding from us.
Reply 9
Ah, good. Was just thinking of all the things I know how to cook and started panicking. Catford (where I live in London) is like Hyson green I guess then, at least 60% Black. Um, it can be quite loud! :biggrin:

Catford, im from Sydenham!!! Def not as many black people as Catford at uni the difference is quite stark but really doesent matter. Im sure you can find what u need here.
Mechanical engineering and from about 40 people that came only 1 girl was black, 4 or 5 more I saw when we was shown campus, all others was probably hiding from us.

some courses don't appeal.there are only 5 (maximum) black people in my course all girls,i know loads on other courses.they are tooo many seriously.
I'm black, I'm from Nottingham...

There are a lot of us in concentrated areas.
Reply 12
There are more black people in Nottm than they're used to be, i've noticed over the past 2 years the numbers have increased especially newly arrived immigrants from Africa
Reply 13
Eskimo, its cool, you can get loads stuff like that in areas like radford and hyson green. Ignore the stuff about not staying in them, people make nottingham like its beirut but thats a load of crap.

I lived in Hyson Green opposite the Bombay Bicycle Shop. The place I rented was broken into 4 times in a year. Never been bothered by anyone whilst walking about at around 2am but thats probably because I'm coloured and built like a wall. However I have had friends who've been mugged but I would like to think thats because they don't have my physique rather than it being a rough area.
Reply 14
Mechanical engineering and from about 40 people that came only 1 girl was black, 4 or 5 more I saw when we was shown campus, all others was probably hiding from us.

im doing engineering and out of the 60ish 14 are black...a lot of black phd students, in fact almost all phd students i know are black. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time lol... i thrive on the engineering building (i.e. pope and coates) and there are lots of black people... so dont be too worried.. the uni is a very multicultural place to be honest and im loving it
Reply 15
January Victim
there are soo many black people! too many even. what open day did you go for? maybe there aren't many on your course.i know there are about 4 including myself in my course,but outside my course,there are loads and loads.obviously there are more chinese,because they are everywhere but there aer enough black people around that you could even begin to hate it.

erm, what? :eek:
Reply 16
erm, what? :eek:

They have a point, the chinese get everywhere
Reply 17
January victim I really don't understand why you would make a comment like "They are too many seriously." Is it that you find it hard to come to terms with the fact that Black ppl can succeed and attend reputable universites?
no. if you bothered to check my facebook badge (that has a pic) ,i happen to be black ^o) so i'm not seeing where you were going with that.
the people before me had said that there weren't that many, and i was just saying and stressing that there are loads than previous amounts suggested.
Reply 19
January Victim
no. if you bothered to check my facebook badge (that has a pic) ,i happen to be black ^o) so i'm not seeing where you were going with that.

She just got Pwned!