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huggable society

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Any hugs out there for a tired former student? :flutter:

I'm now officially 'unemployed' :redface:
exams start next week :eek3::eek4:
god have mercy:puke::coma:
:frown: same here...
:frown: :hugs:
:frown::frown: :frown:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

we have some new members :biggrin: hopefully we can hug them soon when they post :biggrin:
Reply 1183
22 hours? geez
:hugs: ISH :love: hugs
:hugs: for all
:hugs: all :smile:
i need a hug as i have an interview in the beginning of june :frown: am worried as hell :frown:

i also got stupid sociology exam which i have not a single ounce revised for i feel like not doing the exams would it be safe to leave with 2 -Alevels with grades BC :frown:

i need a hug :frown:

:hugs: to anyone who needs it :frown:
:frown: :hugs:
we cant do much to help you, but we do hug alot :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
hey everyone else
this soc is dying!
live it up people :smile:
:hugs: one hug to liven up the society

:hugs: the other hug for herbal bug for hugging me :P

:hugs: some more hugs for lovely people here hehe :biggrin:

Reply 1194
Hello everyone... I'm BIO-AQUA and I'm new to this society. :smile:

If you want to know about me, here goes...
I'm 16 going on 17 (it's like Sound of Music!), studying the IB-program - (end of first year). By the way, I'm in the middle of my exams right now, so hugs would be very appreciated! :biggrin:

Anyway, I like music, especially classical, volleyball, cycling, reading and writing. Sometimes painting too-depends on the mood. I also like studying and would like to enter med school (hopefully) in a year now.

There you have it guys.. Any hugs?! :redface:
and all the best with your studies work hard on it
i'm going for med too this year
that is if things go according to plan :s-smilie:
:hugs: welcome :smile:
ergh too many exams
darn me for failing last year hehe

and this soc is dying ahmed :frown: :hugs:
Reply 1197
we need to shock it to life then
ive just applied to join this soc :biggrin: :hugs:
:smile: and i shall accept right now :biggrin:

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