I'm 19 (male), living at home with my mum, brother and sister. Obviously because I live at home, I see my mum everyday generally. I have a different Dad to my brother and sister, my dad is single and lives on his own a few miles away. Every weekend he texts me (Friday nights - asking if i want to go out for a meal, Saturdays - asking if I want to go out for lunch and dinner, Sundays - asking if I want to go out for Sunday lunch). Most weekends i'm saying to him no i'm busy seeing friends, but sometimes I just wanna say piss off lol Thank God i'm going to Uni this year For those who live away from their dad, mum, or both, how often do you see them? Would your parents texting all the time annoy you to?
I've seen my parents once since Xmas but I'm living in Scotland now and home is Ireland. I used to see them once a month or so in 1st year and they rang me EVERY NIGHT!!! That really pissed me off, I mean every night!? Don't see them much now, might go home for a week at Easter but thats about it til the summer sometime. They ring about twice a week now as well. Well I guess your dad feels he doesn't see you very often if he doesn't live with you so the weekends'd be the only time he has free...
i live in halls during the week, and at home on weekends, de to my job being near home. But my parents still phone/text daily. I found it really annying when i first got to uni, because i was thankful for finaly getting some independence. However, now i dont mind them ringing as much, as i miss them loads through the week-much more than i thought i would!
my parents never speak to me unless i call them, and even then they don't always return my calls. i'd say we average about two phone calls a month, at most. Last time i saw them was a few weeks ago for one night, before that i saw them for xmas eve and xmas day.
sure, i like being independent from my parents but i do wish they'd make the effort once in a while.
My mum i didn't see until i went home at xmas and the next time i'll see her is when i go back for easter and then my birthday. My dad... saw him a couple times when i moved down to uni as he was working nearby but i haven't seen him since the beginning of october now. I ring my mum or she rings me once a week at least though.
When I'm at home I live with my Mum, and I tend to stay with my Dad at the weekends. I've had the same arrangement since I was 6, so it's partially out of habit.
However when I'm at uni, I get a phone call per week from each parent so that's 2 calls per week. There can be more calls, but only if something is going on back home that they think I should know about.
I live with my mum so I see her pretty much every day, i only get to see my dad in the school holidays so that's about 6 times a year other than this I don't have that much contact with him
I see my dad about once a fornight, and my mum the same. Sometimes I go a month or so without seeing either of them depending on circumstances.
It's a pain that they are split up and you have to make time for them both, when in the past it was just making time for the pair of them as a single entity.
All part of growing up I guess, seeing your parents less and less.
Could be worse. I could be one of those spiders that eats their parents at birth.
I don't think I could talk to my parents everyday, I dunno how some of you can do that for one i rely on my mobile so it's expensive to phone all the time and secondly what do you talk about!
I speak to my dad once a week and me and my mum tx each other, I go home in christmas and summer and when I do I just work so I dont really have loads of time with them which is how I like it!
Depends. Sometimes i'll only make it back once between holidays, others i might be coming and going. We speak on the phone at least once a week though, more if something's come up.
I see my mam and dad every day because I live with them. I'm getting married in August so won't see them everyday but I still think I will see them every other day - I will miss them so much even though I will still be living in the same village.
I see them 2-3 times a year. I speak to them about once every 1-2 weeks.
You're Dad is probably lonely being on his own, especially at weekends if he doesn't have work to occupy him. Don't complain about him wanting to spend time with you, he won't be around forever.
My mum phones me everyday, and I invite her to visit about every 4 weeks or so, or I go home. Normally it's so she can do my washing or bring me something that I need from home. Holidays are more complicated. AT christmas I was home for 4 days then I went to peru then was back for 3 days. Easter I am at home, Summer I will be away from july to september, but at home for june. Although that's subject to change.