I know depression is a subject which crops up often on here, and was wondering whether anyone anyone has had their studies seriously affected by it. I've been feeling really low for months now, but recent events pushed me over the edge and i went to see my GP. She diagnosed me with 'moderate to severe' depression. I've been prescribed prozac but haven't stated the course yet.
I'm really worried about the effect it's having. My motivation and concentration are almost non-existent. It takes me an age to read or write anything, and tutorial questions drive me to tears. Revision for the winter exams went really badly, again I found I just couldn't focus. Results were pretty low, one exam I lost it completely and got 15%. I have an exam and 2 coursework deadlines coming up this week, and i know they won't go well. I seem to spend all my time working, yet not actually getting anything done.
On top of this, I've had accommodation to worry about. I started looking in the middle of January, but my friends rejected me. I eventually found another group, and went with them for a couple of weeks. I found us a house, but a day later they said they didn't want me. A month later, and I've managed to round up another group and have arranged two viewings. But again I'm doing ALL the work. I've spent countless hours on it this term.
The easter break starts in a week, and the exams are just a couple of weeks after that. From here, I can't see how it is possible for me to pass and make it to the next year. This term just feels like a void, I have a huge backlog and very little understanding of what has been covered in lectures. And all the while I'm aware that I'm paying £3000 tuition fees plus another £3000 for accommodation. I don't want it to go to waste.
Does this sound familiar to anyone on here, and what should I do?