So many girls wear crop tops/sports bras, tight shorts, makeup, styled hair etc. Then moan that guys eye them up. It's not that hot in there you can wear a thin t-shirt. Also I can see your pants through your leggings.
So many girls wear crop tops/sports bras, tight shorts, makeup, styled hair etc. Then moan that guys eye them up. It's not that hot in there you can wear a thin t-shirt. Also I can see your pants through your leggings.
It really bugs me.
This shouldn't be a problem unless you're insecure about your own looks.
This shouldn't be a problem unless you're insecure about your own looks.
I'm not particularly insecure, but the gym is not a place I welcome the stares of men. Because so many girls seem to illicit this sort of attention guys then think it's OK to stare at any girl - which means I generally end up having to dress like a dude in order to draw less attention to myself.
Well okay when you're running and breaking a sweat it is just so so good to be able to take off a tshirt and wear your sports bra, like it takes guts to be okay with your body to do that so why stop them, they're there to work out. If we/they don't care that guys are staring we just get on with it like what is staring gonna do, violate me? Makeup I don't wear to work out BUT remember insecurities? Some people like to feel good and look good when they excercise as a motivator to actually do better. It's like a psychological thing.
So many girls wear crop tops/sports bras, tight shorts, makeup, styled hair etc. Then moan that guys eye them up. It's not that hot in there you can wear a thin t-shirt. Also I can see your pants through your leggings.
It really bugs me.
I don't get it either. I don't understand why some girls would want to expose and demean themselves in this way. Wearing makeup is ridiculous too. They could say it's too hot to wear a T shirt, but it is just an excuse to show their shapes, for attention and to attain lusty stares from men. An attractive, secure girl doesn't need to show their bodies for gratification from men. When I go to the gym, I wear a long T shirt and leggings.
In b4: Jealousy, bashing, women should wear what they want, westernized way of life and sexual liberation . If they want to wear what shows their bodies, then they should be prepared for the lusty stares they will get from men and should not complain about it.
I don't get it either. I don't understand why some girls would want to expose and demean themselves in this way. Wearing makeup is ridiculous too. They could say it's too hot to wear a T shirt, but it is just an excuse to show their shapes, for attention and to and attain lusty stares from men. An attractive, secure girl doesn't need to show their bodies for gratification from men. When I go to the gym, I wear a long T shirt and leggings.
In b4: Jealousy, bashing, women should wear what they want. If they want to wear what shows their bodies, then they should be prepared for the lusty stares they will get.
It's like wearing skimpy clothing in the day time and expecting men to look away. That's hypocrisy. A girl can be attractive without showing their bodies you know?
We all know women like attention from men. Anybody who actually believes women that say things in relation to their ideal man or beauty is pretty gullible.
Prostitutes go to the gym to gooooooooooooooo.o.o.o.o.D
Hm lol.
But yeah I don't get it either, although I think I too would be compelled to look sexy if I went to the gym but I don't! I prefer sport, than paying a **** load to run on the spot.
I don't get it either. I don't understand why some girls would want to expose and demean themselves in this way. Wearing makeup is ridiculous too. They could say it's too hot to wear a T shirt, but it is just an excuse to show their shapes, for attention and to attain lusty stares from men. An attractive, secure girl doesn't need to show their bodies for gratification from men. When I go to the gym, I wear a long T shirt and leggings.
In b4: Jealousy, bashing, women should wear what they want, westernized way of life and sexual liberation . If they want to wear what shows their bodies, then they should be prepared for the lusty stares they will get from men and should not complain about it.
This is why i'm so self conscious at the gym! Not guys staring at me cause at leas then its cause i look good, other girl just judging me. You literally cannot bash someone for wanting to wear a sports bra, and okay you could wear a t-shirt, yu dont need to cause if you're actually working out then you end up hot and sweaty either way. Same for leggings vs short. Like there's no difference really, both show the figure of your legs and sometimes in the summer its too hot for leggings. Dressing like a 'slut' doesnt mean you want guys to stare at you, it means thats what you're comfortable in. If you're not comfortable wearing that dont bash other girls, bash the guys in your gym!
Maybe they are working harder than you so they are getting hotter/more sweaty and need to wear less clothes? Maybe they wear make up because they've already been out to uni/work/anywhere you would wear make up and have just gone to the gym afterwards? Men staring at you is not the fault of women. If there are women in your gym who take care of themselves I expect the guys are staring at them instead of you anyway.
So many girls wear crop tops/sports bras, tight shorts, makeup, styled hair etc. Then moan that guys eye them up. It's not that hot in there you can wear a thin t-shirt. Also I can see your pants through your leggings.
It really bugs me.
It's really sad that something like this bothers you so much. I hope that one day you will be content enough with yourself to not feel the need to bring others down to feel worthy.
This is why i'm so self conscious at the gym! Not guys staring at me cause at leas then its cause i look good, other girl just judging me. You literally cannot bash someone for wanting to wear a sports bra, and okay you could wear a t-shirt, yu dont need to cause if you're actually working out then you end up hot and sweaty either way. Same for leggings vs short. Like there's no difference really, both show the figure of your legs and sometimes in the summer its too hot for leggings. Dressing like a 'slut' doesnt mean you want guys to stare at you, it means thats what you're comfortable in. If you're not comfortable wearing that dont bash other girls, bash the guys in your gym!
Lol, here is what I was on about; you just proved my point. I am not bashing anyone.
I work out too, but I don't put my body on show for men to ogre at. I said I wear a "long T shirt" with the leggings; so my bum is not on show. And I did wear leggings during the summer at the gym, so I don't get your complaint. You would still sweat irrespective of what you wear in the gym anyways; so why wear a sports bra and shorts?
It's makes no sense to show your shape to men and expect them to look away. And stop adding words to what I didn't say, I never once referred to these girls as "slut". Even if you wear these clothes for yourself, men will still stare. You can be comfortable in a long T shirt and leggings! I could wear what you wear too, but I simple won't. I am very comfortable with myself and don't see the need to let everyone know how "comfortable" I am with my body. Everyone will stare (men and women) if they see someone showing their body! Expecting people not to stare at you when you are showing everything is ridiculous and deceitful.
Lol, here is what I was on about; you just proved my point. I am not bashing anyone.
I work out too, but I don't put my body on show for men to ogre at. I said I wear a "long T shirt" with the leggings; so my bum is not on show. And I did wear leggings during the summer at the gym, so I don't get your complaint. You would still sweat irrespective of what you wear in the gym anyways; so why wear a sports bra and shorts?
It's makes no sense to show your shape to men and expect them to look away. And stop adding words to what I didn't say, I never once referred to these girls as "slut". Even if you wear these clothes for yourself, men will still stare. You can be comfortable in a long T shirt and leggings! I could wear what you wear too, but I simple won't. I am very comfortable with myself and don't see the need to let everyone know how "comfortable" I am with my body. Everyone will stare (men and women) if they see someone showing their body! Expecting people not to stare at you when you are showing everything is ridiculous and deceitful.
Hmmmm kay i believe you... you didnt call anyone slut but you defo did imply it. Why does my t-shirt have to be long if i'm perfect happy to wear a cropped or even normal length one? I have never gotten that whole leggings are too revealing if your bum isn't covered thing either. Like who cares?! Not me, dont have the time... I'm glad your comfortable with your body, but you still cant blame someone for wanting to wear crops tops and shorts if they want. Clearly its making you uncomfortable, but its not you're body to worry about.
And i thinks its wrong to say everyone will stare at you if you show your body, I don't, I don't care. You can't complain about people staring, if you do the same. Plus as everyone's already said, men will stare anyway so you might as well just wear what you like.