The Student Room Group
Some kind of association effect maybe(unless the hops have some kind of mind-altering chemical in them) But it's very convincing. Strange.
Reply 2
Placebo effect as someone mentioned.
Reply 3
Someone switched your drink!
Reply 4
It's simply psychological as some have said. If it wasn't called beer and taste similar you wouldn't think it.
Reply 5
clearly a mix-up at the brewery:rolleyes:
Reply 6
oh, i once thought I had mixed a gin and tonic when I was knackered. Turned out I hadn't put any gin in. I was feeling like I'd had a gin.

So, when I go out and I am driving I jsut drnik tonic water! Huzzah!
Reply 7
i started to feel a bit tight when i was drinking a coke in the pub this afternoon....didn't tell any of my friends though! :blush:
Reply 8
Maybe its the bubbles? :0
Reply 9
None alcoholic beer does have a very small percentage of alcohol in it.
If you drink enough of it you will get pissed.
Reply 10
placebo effect...nuff said
Last couple of parties I've not been drinking (designated driver), and I've just had Red Bull (admittedly quite a lot hehe). At teh end of the party, I felt kinda drunk, which was really weird, but I didn't have any loss of coordination or alertness. Strange. It disappeared as soon as I got in the car, I think it might just have been happy brain chemicals from music, lights and dancing hehe.
Sometimes if I'm out and drinking lemonade I still feel as though I'm getting a little drunk.

Maybe it's just the atmosphere...or maybe the pub has alcohol particle dispensers which you breathe in and get drunk on.
Psychological; same thing happens if you give people drinks which taste like alcohol but actually have none in them.
Reply 14
Last night I was feeling drunk from strobe lighting.
Reply 15
I'd guess that when you're drunk in a social situation you end up with a feeling of happiness that you attribute to the drink but is actually due to being with your friends and laughing a lot.

That's what happens to me, I think- all my friends are so funny I can feel "drunk" on laughter without drinking.

That's enough folk psychology for me now...
I'm sure you mean intoxicated, but not drunk? It is the placebo effect. A psychology experiment featured a group at a party. They were all given non-alcaholic drinks, but they thought it was real alcahol, as the night wore on, they were all tipsy.
Even doctors who know they are on a placebo medication, still respond as if it was the genuine article.
Original post by toxoscot
I'm sure you mean intoxicated, but not drunk? It is the placebo effect. A psychology experiment featured a group at a party. They were all given non-alcaholic drinks, but they thought it was real alcahol, as the night wore on, they were all tipsy.
Even doctors who know they are on a placebo medication, still respond as if it was the genuine article.

Old thread...