The Student Room Group
That is a load of utter rubbish. I am english - and my accent makes it pretty damn obvious - and having lived in scotland for the past 3 and a half years as well as currently being enrolled at edinburgh uni, I feel qualified to say that the scots are some of the friendliest people I have met anywhere in the world. I have had fewer problems here than in some parts of england where simply being from a different part of the country is sufficient to attract tirades of abuse.
The fact is that whilst there are ignorant individuals here as there are anywhere, on the whole I have found that edinburgh, and especially the university is a place where different cultures and backgrounds are accepted easily.
Reply 2
I've no doubt the scots give the english a good bit of a piss-rip (just as scots get when studying in england) but I shouldn't expect many mean it in any serious way.
I am the son of 2 scottish parents (who incidentally both studied and met each other at Edinburgh some 20-30 years ago) so I'm happily sitting on the divide. Personally I find the scots friendlier than the english on the whole.
My sister is at Bangor in North wales, and she does say some of the locals are not fond of the english.
Oh well, morons everywhere you go I suppose.
I think I have to even up the debate here. There is a LOT bad about university. When I went I didn't know much about scotland let alone edinburgh university. I always assumed that scotland was much like wales...and that we were all british. When I got there I found out the simple fact that scottish people hate the english. Trust me guys if you can go to university in your in England I would seriously recommend it. No-one is saying it here, but you will find that the vast majority of people at edinburgh university are unfriendly and it is tough to make friends up there.

God yeah, I totally agree with you. I've found it so hard being English in Edinburgh amongst all the horrible, evil Scottish students. Its absoultley horrible, I always count down the days until I can come home to my beloved England and be free of the hurtful racist comments I get for being English. I have a Scottish boyfriend and sometimes I have no idea how to react to the hurtful anti-English comments, being from Aberdeen he knows that I really shouldn't have come to Edinburgh as the nasty Scots want to keep it all to themselves. But then I remember that we beat Scotland in the rugby so all is good again...

Ok seriously mate, when did you actually come to Edinburgh? And how are you qualified to make such a statement? You either have a very strange perception of the Scots, or are unable to understand that the Scots, English, and Northen Irish and Welsh love to joke around with each other. Its what we do, doesn't mean we hate each other though, we just know that our country is the best.