The Student Room Group
It's odd, on my left side I have a blue vein running down, but it's not that noticable, so it doesn't bother me.
yup i have these. I dont worry about it though, when's it really going to be a problem?
same problem, sometimes i think they really stand out but other times i dont notice them, i think when you see an imperfection (not saying it is btw) and you keep looking at it and you know its there you make it seem when your wearing a nice top and you think one boob looks stupidly bigger than the other in it, its only you that notices, nobody in public does unless u point it out. Try not to focus on it and forget its there, and it shouldn't be an issue. Tell guys is so they can find ur nipple lol, that should go down a treat
I have very very pale skin and can see a lot of the veins in my body, including my breasts. They sometimes gross me out a little but I wouldn't get overly fussed about them. I doubt there are many people who would balk at something so tiny! Out of all the things that make up you, the veins in your breasts are going to be the least significant. You can't do anything about them so just try and ignore them. Don't spend ages looking at them and grossing yourself out...that'll just make the problem worse and give you a complex.

Tell guys is so they can find ur nipple lol, that should go down a treat

Reply 5
Glad I'm not the only one!! So it doesn't mean that anything is wrong? Do guys find it gross?!
I think I wouldnt find it too pleasing, but if I liked the girl alot I wouldn't care.
Glad I'm not the only one!! So it doesn't mean that anything is wrong? Do guys find it gross?!

Its just like guys having being veiny in their private parts!
Reply 8
Yeah I have these. Get your lover to trace them with his tongue, it's fun.