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Reply 1
Do you mean emotionally or physically?
Mentally stronger - i wouldn't have been able to deal with stuff that's going on at the moment a few years ago. (Physically weaker though - can't seem to run anymore lol)
Reply 3
A bit of both. physically, weaker.
Mentally, well ... I can't fall in love becuase I wont let myself, so stronger, but its also weak becuase a strong person can't go trough life by themselfs, right?
However I can quite easily pick myself up now when something happens so Im stronger in that respect, but I feel down now about stupid little things that niggle me for ages.
As for standing up for myself I let people hurt me now becuase I've relised I can't always be fighting ... I don't know if Im stonger or weaker, but I feel weaker, like I need some one to look after me
Mentally stronger - i wouldn't have been able to deal with stuff that's going on at the moment a few years ago. (Physically weaker though - can't seem to run anymore lol)

Mentally and physically weaker. Social conditioning got the best of me.
Reply 5
I used to be so mentally strong. I used to be the kind of person who used to be the center of attention. Then social conditioning and the whole teenage phase kicked in and completely veered me of course. Robbed me of my natural qualities. The media needs to die.
I used to be so mentally strong. I used to be the kind of person who used to be the center of attention. Then social conditioning and the whole teenage phase kicked in and completely veered me of course. Robbed me of my natural qualities. The media needs to die.

Huh? how did the media and 'social conditioning' affect you?
Reply 8
I have gotten physically stronger (a lot)



Reply 9
The last 6 months at uni - definitely both physically and mentally hardened.
Reply 10
Physically stronger, obviously. Mentally stronger in terms of intelligence, since I'm evidently more articulate and well-read than I was a few years ago. Though I don't know whether I'm so far ahead of my own age group as I used to be; I think that going to a rubbish school and being held back to some extent has caused that gap to lessen. But of course, that's what the schooling system wants; everyone to be brought to the lowest level rather than everyone raised...

I think I'm psychologically weaker, much less self-assured than I was, something which I think come with exposure to the world. If I imagine myself ten years ago, when I was 8, I was quite confident, confident in a lot of things - in the world, myself, in authority figures. But when you become more experienced you learn that things are a lot less stable than you had imagined; policemen aren't the most responsible people in the world anymore, your teachers don't know everything, you can't trust the way things appear.
Reply 11
I have gotten physically stronger (a lot)



Has the harshness of the world made you stronger or weaker?
And has the world got harsher?

Do you feel life requires you to be robust, that you cannot let your guard down?
Reply 14
Does having panic attacks and anxiety mean weaker? As in not being able to hold a job down? Anyway I had a lot more confidence when I was younger and didn't even know panic attacks existed. Its a tricky one, ignorance was bliss.
Reply 15
And has the world got harsher?

Do you feel life requires you to be robust, that you cannot let your guard down?

I feel that after having been ordered around and told what to do for the first 16 years of our lives and then pushed out into the world as in do what you want, make something of yourself its no wonder half of us can't get jobs have depression, anxiety and low self esteem. (well not sure about half but you get what I mean)
Hmm. I'm stronger in comparison to 3 years ago, I think. But weaker in comparison to 6, before society 'got me' and I became so aware of things. In a way there are many things I wish I'd never known, it's so much easier to accept your life if you're not aware of alternatives; particularly alternatives that you'd not have any chance of obtaining. For example, I've met many people from different walks of life who had very different childhoods to me, and I wish I'd had their childhoods, but I can't turn back time. Therefore maybe the naivity I'd had about the world was more benefitial to my state of mind than having all these 'false choices' that offer alternatives that I can't realistically obtain. Another is the cult of celebrity; it's very easy to get depressed that you're not a size 8 when it's brandished about so much, whereas I know that without some kind of disorder there's no way I could be a size 8 (bone structure, hehe :p:) - so if I'd not had pictures of skinny celebs pasted around everywhere, I'd not be so aware of body image etc, and therefore would be a stronger person because it wouldn't even cross my mind to question the size I am, I wouldn't question myself or get depressed which I consider a 'weak' activity. {that's just one example, mind}.

That's one of the gripes I have with post-modern society..
Having said that, what exactly is the difference between a 'weak' and 'strong' person? I know an ex of mine could never talk frankly about emotions and when we'd fight she would often just go off and not talk to me for days, which hurt tremendously. She thought that by not talking about how she felt she was being 'strong'; many would beg to differ and say she was being 'weak'. The two really are whatever you consider them to be, I think the in-between where you can say 'Yes, I'm weak, because of this, but I'm okay with admitting that' is actually the best that we can hope for in this world & this day and age. (God, I sound so old and cynical...sorry!)
Stronger. My mother used to walk all over me.
Reply 18
Abra, great physique. Fancy a date? I'm not even joking.

BTW if you knock me back, I'm emotionally strong enough to handle it.
Reply 19
I reckon its a bit of both. Im mentally stronger in the way that ive had to deal with a lot of **** over the last few years so ive matured a lot. But then weaker too cause ive been a lot more depressed and am less confident. I guess as ive grown up i think about things a lot more and worry a lot more. Im stronger because i have the strength to deal with challenges but weaker because sometimes life gets the best of me and i get down.