The Student Room Group

Broken foot

Banged my foot earlier and it was seriously painful, its bruised now and swelled up a bit. but it doesnt hurt so much to walk on just a discomfort, but hurts when you touch it. Do you reckon it could be broken? Its about 2inch down from my big toe so maybe metatarsal? Maybe i am just over reacting? :biggrin:
Reply 1
probably, when i broke my foot i couldnt put any weight on it at all, which made going to bed an experience :rolleyes:, put ice on it and elevate. see how it looks in the morning
Reply 2
My foot really hurt when I was walking on it after I broke my metatarsal. But then again, I broke my 5th metatarsal (which is under my little toe and is where you would put more weight on when walking perhaps)
Reply 3
i think i might have broken my foot, banged it over a week ago and it still hurts to put weight on it. is there anything u can do?