The Student Room Group

where is the love?

this is mainly just a way of getting this out of my system, but any opinions appreciated :

im really upset about this. it will probably come across as completely my own fault tho.

i go out and "pull" quite often (in both senses of the word - sex or just kissing someone). kissing has pretty much ended up meaning nothing to me 99% of the time, and i'd say i'd never had meaningful sex.

i actually want a relationship with someone, and not a stupid string of worthless one nighters, but it seems impossible to find anyone thats actually interested in anything more. well, when theyre interested in me, im not in them, and when there is a bit of a mutual connection i end up doing something ridiculous and pushing them away

most recent thing is a girl i met last week, at a party. ended up in bed with her, she seemed totally into me, and still seemed that way the morning after too. but i think i'm either scaring her off or shes changed her mind.
i really like her, shes amazin, definitely want more. she was the one who suggested meetin up again and she asked for my number.

i texted her twice the day after, she didnt reply til the next day, and hasnt replied to my reply now :s-smilie: i reckon ive prob come across as too needy already. ive asked her mate abt it aswell, who will prob tell her n itl look even worse! i dont know what to do, im useless at this stuff!

seems like i'll never find anyone :frown:

please reply, even if its to say im stoopid :redface: x
Reply 1
i think you will find someoe - its just finding the right person! it reqires patience (if you arent very lucky and happen tomeet them on your first night out!) but good luck with the search :biggrin: xx
Reply 2
You could phone her, make sure she can't get away :evil:
Reply 3
Yeah, I agree - phone her. Texts tell you very little about what a person thinks of you. Good luck!
Reply 4
I think you should probably stop sleeping around if you want someone to take you seriously..

This girl's probably learnt your reputation and been put off?

Oh well good luck :smile:
Reply 5
thats prob a good idea! might wait til she replies. at least give her a day. i want everything yesterday! not an attractive thing :frown:

thanks for the replies people! was expecting nasty replies but you are all lovely :smile:

everyone else please help tho, im one of those people who really knows whats right, but needs it drilling into his head :s-smilie:
Reply 6
saffie - lol! n thanks :smile:

of course you're right. although she doesnt know what i've been like in the past, ending up in bed on the first night probably doesnt instill confidence. especially when i joked about bein a ho a little bit :s-smilie: its all self inflicted really! i need help!
Reply 7
Dude, just relax and let it take its natural course. The chances are she's probably playing some daft waiting game.
Reply 8
You just have to try and be honest and occasionally put your feelings on the line, regardless of what may happen.

In first year I slept around a lot and you're right, it generally makes you feel awful. This year I've had some more sincere and (slightly) more long term affairs, and whilst both have failed in some form or other, I certainly feel better not succumbing to the old 'raging motions' every time I go out..
Reply 9
The moment you'll stop looking is when it'll come and find you. Problem is knowing how and when to stop... heh. Funny ol' world, ain't it?
Reply 10
thanks for everyones replies to this! turns out i was being silly. seen her a few times this week, got a whole new set of issues now! will keep them to myself for the minute though lol

thanks again!