I don't know if stalked is too strong of a word but I'm getting concerned. Basically, it involves a boy I was friends with just over 2 years ago before I got with my long term boyfriend. We nearly went out with each other but never did anything physical & the furthest we got too were a few dodgy texts. Anyway, it died down after I decided I didn't want a relationship with him & two months later I met my long term boyfriend. A year & a half later he messages me on MSN asking if I'm single & after I said no, he didn't speak to me. Fair enough- I really had no desire for being friends with him. About a month later, a friend had her 19th birthday & I said I would come. Turned out I couldn't make it but forgot to let her know. That night I logged onto MSN late & the guy messaged me saying he had heard off a mutual friend (another girl who had gone to this night out) that I was going (she knew I had a bf) & so he had gone out of his way to go out with a load of people he barely knew on the off chance that I would be there. He said he was really dissapointed I wasn't there & wanted to see me, saying how he really liked me. I found this pretty wierd- we hadn't seen each other in nearly 2 years. He asked me to split up from my bf as "we would be great together". Anyway, up till the other day he would message me every now & again asking if I still had a bf & he thought I was fit & I'd just ignore him after he asked me that. The other day, he sent a webcam invitation to me & I stupidly accepted & he was *ahum* doing something very rude! I cancelled it straight away, blocked him & called him sick. Now I'm worried that he's got some problem.... What should I do? I've told my bf all about it & hes cool saying he thinks hes very sick. Help! Why isn't he getting the message?