I would usually advise someone in this situation to do the subjects they enjoy the most and can get the best grades in...
however, one of my friends was in an awkward situation a couple of months ago. She was taking Maths, Further Maths, Physics and DT at A2 and already had offers for Engineering. She realised that she couldn't carry on with Further Maths and emailed the Unis that had made her offers to see if it would be ok. UCL replied that, as far as they were concerned, DT wasn't a proper subject and wasn't relevant to Engineering, and that if she dropped Further Maths they would take it as though she only had 2 A levels, and therefore couldn't fulfill her offer.
So the moral of the story is that you can never second guess what an admissions tutor thinks of any subject. Luckily for her, Imperial were fine with it so she's accepted them but who would have thought that DT wasn't relevant to Engineering!!
The admissions tutors are likely to end up as your teachers, and if they're that snobby about subjects, you probably wouldn't want to be taught by them anyway. If they turn you down solely because of it, it's their loss.