The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Does anyone know of any good books/resources that I could use to improve my listening for A-Level? I thought there would have been some book/cd type revision guides somewhere, but I can't seem to find any.

Try the r-h-inegold site - there are some really good practice books on there - one for AS and two for A2. It might also be worth getting hold of "Aural Matters", by David Bowman, as well as the past exam papers for your board.
Reply 2
^ Yup, those books are really good. I have a subscription to (I think it was about £13) and I have access to thousands of music files. They also have little biographies. In addition, I've found that listening to have helped me. They basic, but when you need some basic facts, they're useful.
Reply 3
Try the r-h-inegold site - there are some really good practice books on there - one for AS and two for A2. It might also be worth getting hold of "Aural Matters", by David Bowman, as well as the past exam papers for your board.

Never understood... why is it TSR filters r-h-inegold?
Reply 4
Absolutely no idea. Bit annoying, but oh well.
Reply 5
Because they do not like it when we advertise for
Reply 6
Letts Revision Guides.
CGP Revision
All get through the filter. Just not you-know-what
Reply 7



Nope, nothing.
Reply 8
anyone know any for the WJEC specification? can find revision guides for ocr/aqa/edexcel but not for this welsh board -.-
Original post by member82142
Does anyone know of any good books/resources that I could use to improve my listening for A-Level? I thought there would have been some book/cd type revision guides somewhere, but I can't seem to find any.

Are you by any chance sitting the re-sit this Thursday??

What exam board?