The Student Room Group

Is there a drugs problem in Bristol University?

I know of someone who is in her first year at Bristol studying English Literature, she has had real problems with cocaine in her halls. Im not sure which particular halls she is living in but i will find out. Apparantly because so many of the people there are wealthy they can afford to be doing lines of coke all day everyday at her kitchen table. I am thinking of going to Bristol but wanted to know if this was a real problem at the university, or just in one particular hall?? Does anyone know anything about this?

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Your poor friend!! I've only seen people doing cannabis, nothing else. Every uni has a drug 'problem' to some extent- its the kind of thing that happens when you put a load of young people together!
Yeah you'll find drugs everwhere. I live in the most amazingly dull and uneventful surrey village ever, and even here there's loads of coke flying about.
Reply 3
I never saw any drugs. :frown:

Like everyone else has said, you're going to get drugs anywhere, espeically in univ cities. I don't think Bristol is any better or worse than anywhere else.
Reply 4
i've not seen any and i've been about quite a bit in bristol.
Where there are people with money to burn, there is often cocaine...and where there are people who enjoy a bit of drum and bass (for which bristol is notorious) there are often pills. and where there are students, there is generally weed. however, i'm sure no one's about to sort you a line and force it up your nose whilst making you smoke weed through your other words, it's not really an obvious problem as far as I've seen during my time here, and if it bothers you, just stay away form the people who are involved...
and...churchill anyone?
Reply 7
and...churchill anyone?

what I thought but was too afraid to say. :p:
Reply 8
Thanks. I dont normally judge places on what ive heard from one person but she really has a bad experience of it. I did obviously expect there to be drugs i mean there is going to be at any place like you said but i just wanted to make sure that it wasnt particularly bad there. I am from london and alot of my friends do drugs which i dont have a problem with i just dont think i would be able to live with people doing it everyday. You have made me feel alot better about it though i guess my friend was just unlucky.
Reply 9
those comments could be made about anywhere, also it's soon to be freshers and applicants that have been asking the questions and they have largely been disproven.

Anyway, since when was everyithn you read on the internet true?
Reply 10
drugs? problem? they don't belong in the same sentence...
Reply 11
get out of Bristol Carl. ;dry;
Reply 12
Personally, I've never seen anyone doing coke at Bristol.

Wouldn't be surprised at Churchill, though. Maybe the reason they turn their noses up at people is due to all the snorting...

Pills all over the place though, especially (as Organised Chaos said) with the DnB types. From my experience, drugs are pretty easy to come by if you want them (especially after the recent Amsterdam trips) but they're certainly not a problem if you want to avoid them, as the OP seemed to be anxious about.
its quite easy to get drugs anywhere if you're looking for them imo.
Reply 14
and...churchill anyone?

First thing I thought of...
Reply 15
I agree, it's gotta be Churchill. I only really knew of people doing pills and cannabis in first year (although as I was in CHH there wasn't very much smoking of anything), but now I'm in 2nd year and go to a lot more house parties/raves things have changed. At every party I've been to I think there's been drugs, often including cocaine. Not too hard to avoid though, I'm not good friends with any people who do drugs on a regular basis, and if I see a room full of druggies at a house party I generally just avoid.
Reply 16
Doesn't the police intervene?
Reply 17
Yeah, they raid random houses in Bristol in the hope of catching people with small amounts of controlled substances. Its an efficient use of resources aimed at a high priority objective.
Reply 18
Yeah, they raid random houses in Bristol in the hope of catching people with small amounts of controlled substances. Its an efficient use of resources aimed at a high priority objective.

I was apparently searched by the police at a rave once. I don't remember :wink:.

(And no I don't take drugs :rolleyes:)
Reply 19
Yeah, they raid random houses in Bristol in the hope of catching people with small amounts of controlled substances. Its an efficient use of resources aimed at a high priority objective.

I'm asking because here this actually happens. It was a simple question, which didn't really require an answer like that.