I know what he did was so terrible, unforgivable, but one day I was reminded about the story of what he did and why he did it, I was browsing and I came across his manifesto, I thought i'd read a bit but I got completely sucked in.
I could relate to so much of it but what he was still thinking and going through at 22 I had already gotten past at 16.
What he did was unforgivable, monsterous and don't get me wrong I can't excuse it but I can't hate the man, if you read his manifesto you'll see he went through horrific and very real suffering that twisted and destroyed him. He's a typical example of a man turn to brutal evil through pure pain.
I honestly feel so bad for him I wish I could travel back in time and help him, I really wish I could save him if you read his story you'll really feel his pain and it was so awful, reading it is a deeply emotional and sad thing because you know what's going to happen in the end but just can't bring yourself to accept it.
I hate to think someone had to go through so much pain, but can you imagine the pain that drove him to do such horrific things, I don't think we can even imagine.
I really hate to think this happens to people, and it happens to a lot of young guys, we go through a really tough time, especially if we don't live up to society's expectations. it's so difficult navigating life as a guy with aspergers or any kind of anxiety and social awkwardness.
I managed to make it through because I wasn't as bad as he was, I am probably on the spectrum, an aspie perhaps but I never had it as hard as he did, and I still think I suffered. I do remember feeling a sense of incredible pain and anguish when I was in uni and got bullied by my housemates in several different dorms and houses and was a social outcast. I did computer science so there were no girls and I was so upset about the fact I'd never have a girlfriend. and this was after having sex with many girls in my life, I cant' imagine the pain i'd have gone through being a virgin into my 20's
Anyone else relate? what can we do to stop this happening in future, is there a problem in society that causes this? personally I think our media uses sex to sell us things too much and part of that is by shoving super hot women in our faces all the time, women most of us will never be able to get, some of us can deal with that and some of us get destroyed over it. I personally think we should go back to a more conservative past where there weren't half naked women everywhere in the media using the primitive desires of men as marketting tools.
This wouldn't solve the issue, but it'd help it,a nd it'd help stop sexism too, two birds with one stone.