The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Could you write that in english then some of us may be able to help you :s-smilie::s-smilie:
Reply 2
it says: hello everyone! something about welsh a levels, holidays, 23rd april and panicking(sp!)...

can't understand much anymore :frown:
Reply 3
Can you please post an English Translation in future? :smile:
Reply 4
Bora da! 'm enwa ydy Greenmile. Rydw'yn mynd yr Colleg Y Barri. Does dim areithia Cymraeg.

I doubt very much if that makes sense, since I don't know any Welsh and I don't have a clue what you said either!!!!
But don't panic, I'm sure you will be fine.
Reply 5
I think you may have said something like this (but not sure)

Hello everyone! Is any one here studying A Level Welsh , as a first or second language? If so, I would like to hear from you and we could chat about the exams this year?! My oral exam is on April 23rd, and I am panicking just thinking about preparing for it!

How did I do for a guess?
Reply 6
sounds alright to me!
Reply 7
im sorry! Didn't think! Yeah that was wat i sed bout panicking and things, very sorry. in future will post translation!:s-smilie:
Reply 8
That's ok. My Welsh is very limited, and I'm not doing it at A-level (didn't even do GCSE). I doubt if there are very many people on here doing Welsh, but good luck anyway, and I hope you find someone you can chat too about it.
Reply 9
Fi'n astydio Cymraeg fel pwnc TGAU, ail iaith :P
fi ddim yn gallu helpu ti sorry :frown:
ond, oes wyt ti ishe siarad, fi'n gallu siarad â ti :smile:
fi ishe ymarfer cymraeg, bydda i'n 'neud lefel A blwyddyn nesa...wel Medi nesa :smile:
Helo pawb! Os unrhyw un 'ma yn astudio Lefel A Cymraeg, naill ai Iaith Gyntaf neu Ail Iaith? Os oes e hoffwn i glywed wrthoch chi ac i ofyn pryd ma'ch arholiadau llafar eleni?!
Ma' f'un i ar Ebrill 23ain, a dwi'n dechrau panico jyst yn meddwl am y paratoi!:eek:

Can you please post an English translation in future :smile:

Helo! Falch o glywed fod rhywyn Cymraeg ar y wefan. Sori ond dwi ddim wedi clywed yn union pryd Mae fy arholiad llafar level A heblaw ei fod rhywbryd ym Mis Ebrill. Ydach chi'n astudio Branwen a Siwan?
(edited 9 years ago)