The Student Room Group

Finances At RAF Halton

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's wondering this, but can someone explain the finances at Halton, ie

When do you get paid from the start date?
How much do you get paid minus the food/accomodation?
How much money do you need to go with?
Is there a lot of things you need to purchase whilst there?

You will get paid at the end of the month however, I'm not sure when the payrole cut off is with JPA (HR Computer System used by the military for administrative tasks). It maybe mid month but I'm not sure, your AFCO should be able to advise. You will get paid clear, after food and accomadation, in the order of £180 pw. You will be aware there is an inflation payrise as of Apr1 but I'm not sure of exact figures but whats quoted is a very good starter for 10! I would certainly recommend having access to at least £50. There is a cash point at RAF Halton, next to the old cinema, so you will not need to carry cash or have it lying around your lockers. At final interview you will be given a kit list to obtain prior to arrival. If you don't manage to get it all then at Halton you can purchase most things from th NAAFI shop. I hope this helps, if you need any further advise remember I'm 'Here to help'
Reply 2
Darren Marc
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's wondering this, but can someone explain the finances at Halton, ie

When do you get paid from the start date?
How much do you get paid minus the food/accomodation?
How much money do you need to go with?
Is there a lot of things you need to purchase whilst there?


(edited 14 years ago)
Reply 3
hi everyone, can anyone update this based on current payrise and possibly provide me with a breakdown such as starting amount and how much for accommodation and food etc? just so i can sit in the block thinking why am i paying for this?!!! lol. BTW starting on apr 30th! just found out today, anyone on this course please please pm me thanks.
Reply 4
there was a payrise??? il hopefully find out end of this month.
last month i was payed around £750 but was emergency taxed so if you hand in your P45 on Day 00 you will get more than that. you will be looking at over £100 being deducted each month for food and about £18 for accomodation...i would tell you the exact figures but PSF haven't given me my payslip yet :|
and i think you maybe on either 9 or 10 flight when you start, i was on 9 flight.
Reply 5
Hi all,

Obviously this thread is quite out of date now!

I have done a fair bit of research online but am just trying to understand what approximate net (after all deductions) pay will be whilst at Halton. Can anyone help?

Gross annual pay for New Entrant: £13644.72
Gross monthly pay for New Entrant: £1137.06

Accomodation charges: ??? Which accomodation band are new recruits on?

Food charges: £4.13 per day, 31 day month = £128.03?? Are you charged food for every day, even when off camp (leave etc)??

Monthly pay after RAF charges: Depends on accomodation charges and confirmation of food charges

Net pay after tax/NI: Depends on above

I appreciate any help, obviously financial planning is important.

(edited 14 years ago)
Reply 6
Any help on this..?
