The Student Room Group
Reply 1
1. UCL
2. KCL
3. Queen M
Reply 2
KCL - (I'm biased though:wink: )
Reply 4
QM is deffinitely the lesser of those universities.

As for the best, I'd personally go to UCL before KCL.
Reply 5
QM is deffinitely the lesser of those universities.

As for the best, I'd personally go to UCL before KCL.

Ive seen UCL and QM and there is not comparison. UCL is a top uni for CS, one of the very best in london(probably the second best after imperial). I didn;t really like QM to be honest. I'll be going to KCL in april but I think my first choice will be UCL, with KCL as my insurance.
UCL is better than KCL at most sciences and humanities.

Don't know about QM.