The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I did it a couple of years back and got 29% in the prelim so I know how you feel.
Not much I can really recommend other than making your project good and swotting as much as you can on SCHOLAR. There should be a few more past papers out by now if your school keeps them? Even try finding the syllabus on the SQA website - that should tell you what you are supposed to know. Welcome to the forum by the way :wink:.
Reply 2
I'm doing AH Computing this year and I got 50-something% for my prelim I think I got 64/120 and I got 64/80 for my Project this year which averages out for a B. Have you handed in your project already? Because if its really good you wont have to improve that much to scrape a C.

Higher Still Notes is good for the Software Development life cycle, (Flow Diagram) this will help you with the first part of the software notes, Then I just suggest Scholar over and over and over lol.

We have finished the course right now so we are just free until exam.

What optional unit are you doing?
Reply 3
I'm doing Computer Architecture as my optional unit, and my teacher graded my project at 37/80 but we're being moderated by the SQA this year so i could get more or less depending on what the SQA markers think i should receive (I'm hoping more).

We've had no help whatsoever with the course, we didn't really know what we were doing with the project and the other two advanced highers (58/80 and 39/80, only have three subjects - more time to work on it). The 58-marker did a fruit machine program, but we did a website for the school on our teacher's recommendation: a top tip here... DON'T do a website for your project :mad: :mad: It's tricky to implement with network restrictions, hard to make "advanced higher level", and downright impossible to document properly.

I don't really blame my computing teacher; he's been given a full class with int2, higher and advanced higher... I blame the head of the department! I don't see how anyone's supposed to teach that class properly - especially as the teacher's doing Duke of Edinburgh and a post-grad thing at university in education management... Dunno how anyone would be physically capable of it.

As for the head of the department - has a personal vendetta against me for pointing out the truth: he doesn't know how to run half a metre never mind a computing department. No-one had any money to buy books this year because he forgot to pay for the prelim papers last year, and due to our school's weird budget rule - blew the money on some computer gimmeckry before the financial year ended and the department's remaining funds were given back to the school at large. Also, it's worth noting he knows nothing about the subject, still explains hard drive capacity in terms of floppy disks and uses two hands on the mouse... And when I had an argument with him about some of this stuff he took my website offline :rolleyes: or rather, he pettily disabled the link to it (with the caption "not available at the moment") on his craptastic banner marquee homepage that acts as a link between the old and new sites :biggrin: (you can still get to my site by putting /index.htm at the end of the URL)

So, really, does anyone know of any other resource than the Scholar materials? Are there many tutors that do advanced higher computing?
Reply 4
I use scholar also. Did you make an HTML site for your project?
I'm currently writing my Evaluation for my project which I have to hand in tomorrow.
Reply 5
Well for my Project I did a Web-Based Forum using PHP and I found it so much fun, it must be horrible not having someone to keep you on track me on the other hand have two teachers who really love the cource. My optional unit is networking though...
Reply 6
Oh it is horrible!
I sat on TSR every period cos SCHOLAR annoyed me!
Reply 7
Roughly how many words did you all write for your report?
Reply 8
Im not that sure but not over the top I dont think...
Reply 9
Meh. I must've wrote something like 4,000 words for my report but most of i was padding and rambling, a note that the guy in my class that got 58 marks usually summarises everything in one sentence in places where i wrote paragraphs :redface:

I did an html site designed in FrontPage (hiisssss yes i know) and then added on a PHP noticeboard gimmick to make it "advanced higher level" but i'm positive that all the messing around with Linux and Apache on my home computer should count towards making it "advanced", apparently not :mad:

So from anyone that passed, how is it possible?!

PS Cirrus, you got exactly the same results as me last year, and apart from digital design i'm taking all your subjects as well; I'm doing Computing Science at the University of Glasgow... see you've applied for something similar =P
Reply 10

PS Cirrus, you got exactly the same results as me last year, and apart from digital design i'm taking all your subjects as well; I'm doing Computing Science at the University of Glasgow... see you've applied for something similar =P

How uncanny! I got accepted into Glasgow but I think I'm going to go to Stirling... but thats another story for another forum.

The reason I think we passes is because we done it constantly from the start of the year, actually we knew what we were doing before summer so we had summer to research it and then make a head start... plus a little friendly competition and my teacher rips me if I do anything even average :rolleyes: I think that pushed me to do more... My Technical Guide was crap though lol
Reply 11
Oh it is horrible!
I sat on TSR every period cos SCHOLAR annoyed me!

it's true scholar is stressful!!
Reply 12
Ok, this thread is several years old, so it's getting locked! Try not to bump threads that are ancient :smile: