The Student Room Group

Urgh, what is wrong with me?

Before I get yelled at to see to doctor, I'd just like to state my position on this. I am normally one of the first people to jump in and tell someone to see a doctor when they've got a problem, but I'm reluctant to do it this time because I've been in and out of the surgery every couple of weeks for the past couple of months (for legitimate reasons, I'm not just a hypochondriac), and I really can't help but feel that my doctor's getting fed up, as am I tbh. So I'd rather not go just yet.

Basically, I've been getting in trouble at school a lot because of my attendance. I'm finding it almost impossible to get up and go in the mornings. I used to have this issue because of quite severe insomnia, but that's not the case any more, I sleep quite well now. Occasionally I wake up with a really severe migraine, and can't do anything until it's cleared up a bit, and so I miss all of my morning lessons. Even when I don't have a migraine, I find it incredibly hard to get up, because I just feel absolutely exhausted and like I have no energy at all.

This morning for a fairly typical example: I fell asleep fairly early last night at around 22:30. I woke up at 08:15 this morning (slept through the alarm) feeling really groggy, and so tired I could hardly lift my head or open my eyes. I tried to force myself out of bed and I just collapsed. I woke up again at around 11ish, still couldn't get up, fell back to sleep. I then woke up at around 13:00, still feeling really tired, but able to get up. Too late now to go in, as most of my lessons were in the morning today.

Obviously, this isn't good, worse especially because the exams are approaching. The school started off beign fairly understanding, but now they're fed up and are constantly on my back. I'm worried about the amount of lesson time I'm missing, and also what my attendance report is going to look like when the school sends references for uni and stuff :frown:

Just wondering if anyone had any idea as to what may be the cause, or anything I could do?

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Reply 1
i know you've just said not to mention doctors, but i really think this is the only thing you can do! there only other option is that you sit it out and hope that it gets better on its own, but it doesn't really seem to be improving from what you've said. you could always see another doctor if you're that worried?

maybe it would be worth trying to get a doctor's note from said doctor to show your school so that they don't worry too much about your attendance. you also mention uni and what the school will tell them when they pass on information. my personal thought is that unless you get this problem sorted out you will still be suffering at uni and your grades will also suffer. you really REALLY don't want to be in that situation at uni, trust me, so please please go to the doctor!
Reply 2
See a doctor.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Are you overweight, this is sometimes an issue for people who are.
Reply 4
another thought is that you may have a problem with your thyroid??... i used to feel a bit like how you've described and that's what was apparently wrong.
Make sure you're eating really healthily- quite often if you eat/drink too much sugar it plays havoc with your body and leaves you tired all the time! Loads of water, fruit, veg etc for a week or two. Sounds totally dull but if it makes you feel different in those couple of weeks it may point to you needing to make a few permenant lifestyle changes? Obv if it doesn't though definately see a doctor, just to be sure everything is okay!
You might be a genius.
Lol! Masturbation? Murder? :ninja:
Reply 8
It might not be the answer, but i have this problem too, and the only thing that seems to sort it out for me is sleeping pills. It's weird, but if i fall asleep naturally i can sleep for 12 hours +, but if sleep using pills then i'm usually awake and alert after the usual 8 hours.
Reply 9
you can get things like 'pro plus' tablets, which you can buy over the counter w/o prescription in pharmacys, and are supposed to wake you up. Or 'yeast-vite' I think is another, does similar thing

Or perhaps just try going to bed at like 8.30/9.00, I know its early but there are genuinely some people who need like 10hrs sleep + per night. Then when you wake up have some energy tablets/ coffee next to your bed, well, you'd need a kettle by your bed actually hmm.... but it is possible..

Also try and think of something you are really looking forward to that day to motivate you, that helps me!
I know you don't wanna hear this but see a doctor...I had the same problem i still do occasionally, i fell behind on my schoolwork because i had no energy to get up and was constantly tired. My doctor ran tests and found that my vitamin b level was dangerously low and i also have a borderline thyroid which has to be monitored. He gave me strong vitamin b tablets that you can't buy in shops and i found it helped a little. I'm not saying that this is what you have but i do think its best you seek medical advice and i'm sure your doctor will know what to do. It may just be that you're 1 of those people who needs lots of sleep, but if it's affecting your everyday life like school then i think you should get it checked out soon xxx<3
Reply 11
Yeah, I'm sorry to say so, but probably best to go to the doctors. it's a serious problem if you are missing classes so you need to get a doctor involved - also so he can give your school a note about it.

try going to sleep a lot earlier though. might not do anything for you at first, but if you can change your sleeping pattern so that what happens to you at 8 o'clock now happens to you at 5am instead, that might get you up in time for school.
well to the doctor getting fed up. he isnt, the more patients he sees the more he gets paid so he isnt really. and for your weird mroning thing, that happens to me it happen to me every day, i just set all the clocks in my room 1 hour back so i wake up 1 hour earlier since i look and i go oh noes i ma late, wait set the clocks 1 hour forward.
Reply 13
Thanks for all your support guys. I think I will go see the Dr soon, as I've been feeling really rubbish all day, and the school are gonna be pretty peeved with me :rolleyes:
Yeah sorry to agree with, but doctors sounds like a good idea!
I tend to go see my GP a lot, again because of genuine reasons, and I do hate going now simply because ive been so often.
Get as much sleep as possible, don't drink caffeine before you go to bed or any heavy food. Try a vitamin supplement perhaps and lots of fruit.
And sleeping tablets can work.
I do have a similar problem though with sleep and I know it's incredibly irritating! Just get to all the classes you can and sleep when you can, have a rest even when you get home from school maybe?
Hope you get it sorted.
Reply 15
I've got an appointment in about half an hour. Thing is, it's not trouble sleeping, I can sleep fine now, so sleeping tablets probably aren't the answer.

I'll let you know if the doctor says anything drastic hehe.
Keep us posted =]
Reply 17
The doctor is quite puzzled! She thinks it could possibly be a bit of post viral fatigue, or my be due to my very sporadic appetite, so she's told me to step up the amount of fruit I eat, and keep practicing the usual sleep hygeine things. Last time I saw her, she told me to cut out caffeine, she's now decided it may be a good idea to reintroduce it, especially in the morning (trouble is, I may need it IV lol).

She realised that I hadn't had any blood work done for over a year (except U&Es and glucose before my surgery a few months ago). So now I'm booked in for a couple of weeks time to have FBC, U&Es, enzymes, TFT, iron content, a glandular fever screen, and some other microbiology test. Phwew!

She also told me not to worry about being in the surgery so much. She said that unless they'd put a sign with my name on one of the chairs in the waiting room, it wasn't a problem :smile:

Thanks for your help everyone :smile: If the bloods reveal anything interesting I'll let you all know hehe.
Glad to hear the doctor suggested all those things, I had post viral fatigue which developed into chronic fatigue following a bout of glandular fever, and felt exactly how you described. It also coincided with a seemingly temporary problem with my thyroid gland. So getting checked out is definitely for the best. Hope you feel better soon and don't worry about seeing your doctor unless you spot "TOBAS" written anywhere on your notes...I'll rep anyone who can guess what it means!
Reply 19
another thought is that you may have a problem with your thyroid??... i used to feel a bit like how you've described and that's what was apparently wrong.

How is Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism an option? There are many more symptoms to a thyroid imbalance and he would be aware of them by now. You may as well say he has cancer because he is unable to wake up!