O.K. You go out with a girl for a year. She breaks up with you, because the stress of exams, and the fact that you had been experiencing problems that she felt she couldn't help you through at the time. So you try and ask if she'd change her mind...she says no, and wants time apart.
4 weeks later, you get a message that she wants to be friends, and would i want to go for a drink. I said no, and that I wanted to move on, and it was easier for both of us. A week later, I change my mind and message her. She says that she's been more relaxed without me in her life, and cutting off contact, but that she'd like to be friends. I say if that's what you want, I'll meet you. So we agree on a time and place.
Then you see her today. You spend 1hr 1/2 talking about general stuff not to do with the break up. She says that she feels guilty for finishing, and readily admits it was to do with the amount of stress she was under from her family and exams. She says she hopes it can be friends, and she knows I still have feelings for her, but that's life.
So I'm meeting her for a drink next week, which I'm sure'll go OK. BUT...how do I handle this. I still like her...the reasons why we finished seemed so petty...but I know she'll never change her mind.
I almost like her friendship, and would like to do stuff, like go to the cinema etc with her, but where do you draw the line, as she's not my girlfriend anymore...and the whole situation leaves me feeling confused...as whenever i look at her, on the outside im fine...but on the inside im crumbling, because i still like her, and she knows it.
Any ideas/advice in this situation?