The Student Room Group

How much do you spend per week/term on socialising?

How much do you spend per week/term on socialising?
Drinks, entertainment, travel costs (buses, taxis) and anything else you think fits under the wonderful umbrella.

I want to be able to budget properly-- a student guide said about £300 per term; but I was wondering how much it is for all you loverly loverly Exeter people, i've heard it's more expensive down there (but i'm from Cambridge and i've been told it's expensive up here, too, so i don't know how prices will compare).

So, how tight-fisted (or not) are you when it comes to being social?

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Reply 1
Hi, I just started a thread with the same question- not seeing this thread! I'd like a rough idea, too. Cheers.
Reply 2
good question...

i'd say i go out on average 3 times a week. normally spend about £3 on drinks before hand £1 on taxi, or just walk if its summer, and then max about £10 out. i've never got a taxi home to my knowledge! um we tend to go 'out' for lunch once or twice a week too, normally involving a trip to the ram or uppercrust, which is never much more than £3/£4. but occasionally go out for dinner which is like £10... cinema is like £5 and theres plenty or other stuff to do around town. food shopping wise, i normally go shopping every week and a half/two weeks and to this date have never spent more than £30, but in comparison to a lot of my friends, i think im just really good at budgeting that! my housemate will go shopping once every two weeks and spend £75 and still come home with the same amount of food as me if not less, i have no idea how she does it! xxx
Reply 3
£300! :eek: I need to start cutting down on my spending if that's the recommended amount... I've been known to spend that much in one fortnight if I go on too many shopping sprees... :redface:
Well, I'm by no means the best person to answer this, considering that I don't drink or go clubbing, but like anywhere, it depends where you go. The Ram and the Lemmy on campus and the Imperial do cheap drinks and food. It also depends when you go, since all the clubs have student nights with drinks offers and the entry fees aren't bad. And obviously it depends a lot on how often you go out. You'll spend hardly anything on travel though. Exeter's a small city and you'll probably walk pretty much everywhere. If you do get a taxi (although in my experience at least, they're pretty hard to get and not to be relied on!) it won't cost much, especially if you share one with friends. There are also regular buses into town.
30 to 40 a week ish. Im not out every night but a fair bit :smile:
Reply 6
i tend to take out about £20 a night and go out maybe once or twice in a week ... so over a 10 week term that averages at about £300 - £400. but then again, some nights I'll spend less than £10 and I don't go out every week and some weeks are heavier than others so it just depends. Fortunately with a part time job i can afford it.
Reply 7
Whats the most any of you have ever spent in one week?
Reply 8
It's difficult for me to say because I don't go out a huge amount. Probably the height of my social life is in the summer, when there are balls and parties all the time, so at a time like that when I'm going out, say 3 times a week, I'd probably spend £100 in a week if not more on drink and food. I should point out that this is NOT regular spending!!! Normally, it's more difficult to tell as I buy a lot of clothes and makeup but don't really go out much. I spend £4 a week on dance society stuff and work 4 shifts a week at work, but then I'll probably spend £20 upwards on random crap, including eating on campus. It's difficult to say, to be honest :frown:
Theres a primark for all clothing - which is nice to the bank balance =D
Reply 10
I have a general budget of 50 pounds per week, which is for food, laundary, socialising etc. Usually keep well to it, sometimes I am below this. At the same time, I am not a heavy drinker so if you liek going out and drinking lots, your calculation will probably look different. Heavy drinkers I know spend up to 20-30 pounds per week on alcohol alone..
Reply 11
where is the primark? i couldn't find it. h&m is pretty cheap though too.
Reply 12
The Primark is in the Guildhall precinct. Walk towards M&S (away from Debenhams) and keep walking towards the Lush, NatWest, Waterstones and Whittard. You'll see the Guildhall entrance on your right. Just go in there and when you get to the end of the corridor thingy you'll see the Primark :smile:
In Fresher's week I can spend about £200: joining societies, going out most nights, massive food shop including all the basics that you don't buy very often, a little bit of a clothes shop because Exeter has better shops than home! Generally after that massive blow out I spend about £40 a week going out, £30 a week on food, and seem to spend about £30 on other random stuff because I have very bad impulsive spending habits. But I do work once or twice a week so sometimes earn £100 anyway which covers this!!
I don't think Exeter is hugely expensive if you stick to going out on the studenty nights! I think Warehouse* is ridiculously overpriced even on student nights but other clubs, especially Riva (£2 double vodbull anyone?) are a little more wallet friendly!

*Edit: how stuck in the past am I. It's now called Mambo and has been for a year!
Reply 14
:p: I don't blame you Flo, I still call it Warehouse! Mambo is a stupid name anyway. Long live Warehouse!
I have very bad impulsive spending habits. But I do work once or twice a week so sometimes earn £100 anyway which covers this!!

Hey, I was just wondering how easy it is to get a part time job in Exeter? I just think it may be a good idea to have a little extra money so I'm not worrying about going out all the time. Sorry I know it's going off-topic slightly but if you had any hints I would really appreciate it! (i.e. how did you find your job/where etc)
Thanks, any help would be much appreciated :smile:
Thanks Angelil :smile: (sorry, next time I'll do a search!)
Reply 18
I don't really know how much i spent - it all depends on what I am doing that week. I went riding every other week that cost me about £15 -£20 and then going out depends on if you are a heavy drinker or not. I usually drink before hand and then drink barely anything at clubs. As for transport - i rarely use it, Exeter is a really small city and you can walk most places.

I spend a bit of money on food (though I was in catered) - but with places like the Ram (a basket of curly fries for £1!) its not too expensive to eat on Campus. Long Lounge is the best - really nice food for not too much money!
Reply 19
Thanks Angelil :smile: (sorry, next time I'll do a search!)

Nope, no need to apologise...this forum's got stuff all over the place and I had trouble finding the ones I was looking for myself!
(*considers requesting to be made a minimod so she can clean up the forum a bit*)