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Does anyone know of any stores that sell them?

I've tried finding them in Tescos and Asda and neither of them do.

I've also tried looking for them online, and while there are several places which sell them, the packaging usually costs a few times more than the product!

Any help would be much appreciated :smile:
Reply 1

Anyone...? :smile:
Reply 2
Nobody, then? :frown:
Reply 3
From Wiki:

For residents of other countries, syrup waffles can be purchased in specialty shops, or in the gourmet foods section of a supermarket; sometimes with maple syrup filling instead of conventional syrup. Starbucks has recently begun selling the mini version of the syrup waffle as well. Asda also do their own version.

Maybe try some big departmental stores food halls, such as, Selfridges or Harrods may well do them. Or specialist bakeries like Paul's. Or even try locating a Dutch market...I've seen French and German ones visiting towns before so there might be Dutch ones as well.

You can order them here: but I see what you mean about the postage!
Reply 4
Where I live, we only have Dutch markets once a year for about a week :frown:

But thanks for the suggestions! I'll have to keep a closer eye at Asda for them. (Or Starbucks)

Much thanks :biggrin: :smile:
Reply 6
Yup, bought some from there today :smile:
Reply 7
Depends on what kinds you're looking for...the caramel ones(which are the only ones I like) I've only been able to find, other than Amsterdam, at Starbucks...the hazelnut and honey ones seem to be easier to find but I personally hate those
Reply 8
Oh man I love those! No one knows what I'm on about when I talk about them though :p:
I don't know where you live, but in Cardiff there is a deli-type shop in an arcade which sells them, along with meats, cheeses, spices, biscuits etc from abroad. It's so cool!
Reply 9
Oh man I love those! No one knows what I'm on about when I talk about them though :p:
I don't know where you live, but in Cardiff there is a deli-type shop in an arcade which sells them, along with meats, cheeses, spices, biscuits etc from abroad. It's so cool!

is that the arcade that's near to where david morgans used to be??

there's sometimes little stalls by the hayes that sell those waffles. mmmmm.
Reply 10
Hey! I found them at the Londis just behind Belsize Park tube station (it's a back street). They also sell them at Wait Rose. (you can order them online from Waitrose I think.... they call them toffee waffles if i remember correctly).

Aside from that my roommate says that they sell them at Starbucks too.

NB they don't have them at all Londis's, i spent the day going to three different Londis locations in Harrow and couldn't find them.

Good Luck!
Reply 11
none of the ones you can buy in tesco etc. or starbucks/any other cafe are any good, in my opinion.

i'm 1/4 dutch, pretty much raised on them and i always demand at least four packets to be brought back whenever my nan goes back to holland :wink:

so yeah, even though it's expensive, i'd stick to buying them online if you can get the real thing! i don't get to have them a lot- probably once or twice a year, but it means i enjoy them more!
Reply 12
Love them. In the Uk you'd need to get them online if you want quality ones. Or you could always make your own.
Aldi omm nomm nomm they taste like the propper dutch ones
Reply 14
There are a couple of wee delicatessen type shops near me that sell them (real stroopwafels) in Glasgow. You just have to look around and go to little independent shops and ask, some will get them in for you.

I'm making some pepernoten as we speak, but generally wait to have all my dutch goodies when I'm at home.
There are a couple of wee delicatessen type shops near me that sell them (real stroopwafels) in Glasgow. You just have to look around and go to little independent shops and ask, some will get them in for you.

I'm making some pepernoten as we speak, but generally wait to have all my dutch goodies when I'm at home.

Are they really that expensive in the UK? Quite cheap here. Hmm, visit Amsterdam, you can get 'm everywhere! :yes:
Oeh, I love chocolate pepernoten!
Reply 16
Are they really that expensive in the UK? Quite cheap here. Hmm, visit Amsterdam, you can get 'm everywhere! :yes:
Oeh, I love chocolate pepernoten!

another 12 days before I get back to holland.... I am going to be soo fat when I head back to the UK after christmas :p:
eating my pepernoten now, mmmm yum
Oooh my mum brought some back from Holland in the summer, they are amazing. Might look into to buying them for a christmas present, seems like online is the best way to go for quality and taste.

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