The Student Room Group
Reply 1
any help? How competitive are admissions?
Reply 2
any help? How competitive are admissions?

I think the expectation of graduate students is that they're capable of doing their own university research. I'm sure there's literature on this sort of thing, and if there isn't take some initiative and contact the department/college directly. Alternatively, you could think about it for 30 seconds and realise that admissions for a graduate course at Oxford is almost certain to be very competitive.
Reply 3
Contact the department and get the prospectus; a lot of people around here are either sixth formers or Freshers, this isn't the best place to find out specific information on a posrgraduate course.
Reply 4
well it is certainly NOT definite that it will be competitive - UK schools are not nearly as competitive to get into as US schools, so there is definite room for discussion...

I have read al there is to read about the programs - I was more so interested if anyone on this board had considered applying to (or was actually in) the program

I have yet to find a board that works well for grad discussion - and this one does seem to provide helpful advice, even for grad programs...

being a smartalick is not very helpful tho.....