The Student Room Group

Have gap year before PGCE?

Hello, I'm planning to do a PGCE after my degree. However, this year (2nd year of a 3 year course), my marks haven't been so good because I've been suffering with depression.
Should I take a gap year after attempting to make up the marks in year 3? I'm worried that I'll get rejected if I apply straightaway next year.
Reply 1
Hello, I'm planning to do a PGCE after my degree. However, this year (2nd year of a 3 year course), my marks haven't been so good because I've been suffering with depression.
Should I take a gap year after attempting to make up the marks in year 3? I'm worried that I'll get rejected if I apply straightaway next year.

I think you should do whats best for your health. The gap year might be good for you and give you time to relax as well as get some life experience. There are also lots of opportunities to do things like teach abroad for charity.

Its up to you though. If you dont mind an extra year before going into work then go for it.

I was also thinking of taking a gap year before my PGCE just so i can be certain that i am healthy for the profession. I suffer from depression too so i know how it can affect your studies and life.

I hope i have been of some help. Best of luck.
Reply 2
There was a lot of people on my PGCE course who had taken a gap year (or more than one year!)
I personally wanted university out of the way so I could get a job, so I didn't bother taking a year out.

It depends what you want to do.
I'm thinking about taking a gap year before my PGCE, but to teach in somewhere like China. And then take an around-the-world trip, if I can afford to.
Reply 4
I think there is nothing wrong with a gap year. You can improve your health, do something you won't ever be able to do again or just relax. Some people will take up work at a school, some will travel, some will work and save for the next year. Whatever you do, it will not influence your chances to get onto a PGCE.

I am sorry to hear you have been struggeling with depression and it has effected your grades. I am not entirely sure if you wanna take a gap year between year 2 and 3 at uni or afterwards. I think a gap year during study, an intermission, will be accepted if you are still not well. However, you will lose touch with the academic world. I would rather try and make up the grades in year 3 and then do a gap year and get lots of valuable experience. If you work at a school then, you may even have the chance to complete a school-based programme, such as the Graduate Teaching Programme or similar.
Oh i wanted to complete my degree THEN take a gap year - so my grades for this year (because hopefully I'll make them up in year 3) don't affect the decision for rejection or acceptance.
I was thinking of travelling, but mainly I want to save up a good lot of money - perhaps living at home for a year and working full time.
Reply 6
Sounds good to me. If you could live at home and work at a school, even better :smile:
Does anyone know if you can defer a PGCE acceptance for a year, generally?
Reply 8
You can do that, but you should already let them know at the interview. It is a tough call. Some universities do not offer it, some do. Better to check with them before applying.
Reply 9
This was just the thread i was looking for! I haven't even finished my A-levels yet but i'm considering a career in teaching, however i have also thought that maybe after my final year of my degree i would take a year out. I had planned to do summer school work in the summer before going to do a ski season in france and then get some work back in England as a classroom assistant... Would this all be possible? And is it a good idea?
im the same - doing my A levels this summer and planning to do a 3 yr sports degree after which i want to do a ski season as maybe a summer season as a rep too or a tennis coach. then goin to do my pgce year.