The Student Room Group
Reply 1
ooooh peacey ftw! :cool:
Reply 2
Does anyone know any for AQA AS Psychology?

I found this website: for AS and A2. What it has is good BUT its very limited in what you can access without paying a subscription :frown: Still worth looking at though, the AS Memory and A2 Biological Patterns sections are well good. I know that it's for AQA and OCR, but don't know about the other exam boards.
I want to get onto but it says i need to log in to use the site. It wont let me register though! Has anyone got a username and password I can use so I can use the site?
Reply 5
I want to get onto but it says i need to log in to use the site. It wont let me register though! Has anyone got a username and password I can use so I can use the site?

yeah same here, i cant register no more either. anyone kind enough to give the name and password for it? pretty pleasee
Reply 6
Original post by ahijaw
well let me start = brill for OCR AS psychology = brill for OCR psychology, AS and A2

site don't work for A2...
Reply 7
Original post by MrFoCuS2K10
site don't work for A2...

It has been disabled.
Reply 8
Anyone have any sites which actually work for this?
Really struggling to find one myself
Reply 9
Reply 10
A2 -

Anyone has any revision notes??