Basically as it says in the title, I frequently do not feel anything during sex. I do not mean that I am numb and have no sense of touch but I very rarely, and if I do, only fleetingly feel any sensation and it has literally never built up to anything that I would label pleasurable. I am in my twenties, have been sexually active for two years, and am engaged. I am not into touching myself and just can't get myself to do that. The one time I did try nothing really happened either. I have not had experience with any men other than my fiancé and would say that I am sexually immature and find talking about sex not very easy. I like the close aspect of sex but that is about as far as it goes. I hear girls going on about how they could not live without sex and how wonderful it is and I just feel like I am missing out. I would like to have a pleasurable experience like everyone else. I am not asking for sex tips or anything, I just want to know if anyone has had this well and whether anything made things change for them.