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because we know it would be better us being friends then forgetting what we had.
Reply 2
Because it's awkward seeing them over and over again after a messy break-up.
Reply 3
haha I am not friends with any of them.
Reply 4
Even though I ended it with my ex, it wasn't because I did not love him or I was angry at him, we just wanted different things from life. We decided to be friends as I did not want to loose him, but I did not want to suffocate him either.
I'm not friends with any of my ex's
Reply 6
I'm only really friends with one of my exes but we're friends because we realised we didn't really work as a couple, he's a great guy and i'm going to Edinburgh with him next week :smile:
Reply 7
I'm friends with all of them. Two of which make up my 4 closest friends.
........because I still love him :frown:
Because I was friends with him before, and he's part of my friendship group.
i suppose because our relationship wasn't really that serious and we both thought it was for the best that we just be friends instead of really hurting each other
I'm only friends with one of them and that's because he was always really nice to me and it was my problem that we broke up etc, it's a bit akward though because he's going out with my best friends twin so whenever i see him we don't really speak that much..
Not friends with the other ex's though cos they were complete bastards :biggrin:
Reply 12
because we still love each other, but due to how much crap we went through when we split up, it would be way to awkward to get back together.
Reply 13
because one was a good friend before and we just decided that it was better as friends.
Another I just get on too well with and he has helped me through a lot, I couldn't imagine not being friends with him.
Becuase I still love her :frown:
Reply 16
Even though I ended it with my ex, it wasn't because I did not love him or I was angry at him, we just wanted different things from life. We decided to be friends as I did not want to loose him, but I did not want to suffocate him either.

That's probably the hardest situation to get into though...

As for my ex - just cus I'm the affectionate sort and I think it'd be such a shame to lose contact with someone who used to mean so much to you once upon a time. He isn't bothered whether he's friends with me or not, so sometimes I'm not sure why I bother. But then again, we were only an online "couple" for a short while, so it's not like we've got proper history together, so perhaps he's the one being logical. I wouldn't know, and I don't really care anymore, at the end of the day. I just email him once every couple of months to see how he's getting on, and that's about it, and I don't really expect him to respond nowadays, so it doesn't really affect me nowadays :smile: He does respond sometimes, think he's just busy and I'm hardly a priority :smile: which is fair enough.
Reply 17
Becuase I still love her :frown:

:hugs: You should cut contact with her for a while until you've got over her! Don't torture yourself like that. There're others out there who would actually return your love.
I still love her in a way, though I'm no longer in love with her, and she wants to be friends.
Reply 19
I'm friends with mine because i dated her because she was a nice person, and she hasnt changed.