Hahaha! *high fives Dan-chan <3*
You should definitely come to Leeds! Yes yes, it's pretty awesome.
As Dan said, in Leeds, you spend your second year abroad rather than your 3rd year as you do in most other unis.
So it is freaky, because though we know more than beginners, it feels like we know very little, and will are being thrown into a crazy country with crazy language and kanji *ugh*, but I think it's also an awesome experience, and as I've heard it _does_ improve your language skills big time!
also, the plus side of going in your 2nd year is, well, I think, if you find your degree a drag and would like to change it to whatever, you can go to Japan and basically have a year long holiday of AWESOME, come back, and do something else.
I'll be in Tokyo! 8D Ho Yeah!
Obviously pm me if you have questions 8D
bye bye~~
// oh, I forgot to mention..
I've also applied to Leeds and Newcastle before coming here. I think that the optional/elective modules suck everywhere, so it doesn't really matter where you go - THEY SUCK!
so.. I'm not sure why, but I was moved by Leeds more..hehe