The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Sorry I don't but good luck with getting a place there if one does become available :wink:

Just found this hope it helps you. Send them an email asking them about the waiting list. Couldn't find anything on website for you though.

Good luck

mailto:[email protected]
Reply 2
Tried to get attchment for you. Found that email adress at

There you should find a link to email them.

Hope that helps :wink:
Reply 3
Does anyone know any facts or figures about imperial's waiting list, and what we waiting listers can do???

Last year, it was one place per 3 interviewees. One was offered a place, one put on the waiting list and one rejected.
Getting in through the waiting list will depend on how many people take up their offers, how many make them and how many go there in the end.
Im not sure if you'll find numerical values for that, maybe something from the years before?

Just hold tight, and hope for the best. Good luck!
Reply 4
this year it was 5 offers per every 7 interviewed
this year it was 5 offers per every 7 interviewed

was the same last year.
Reply 6
I phoned them back when I got put on it.
They said last year everyone on the waiting list ultimately got offered a place. But the year before no one got in off of it.
But I know someone who was on the Imperial waiting list last year and didn't get in. They got the grades but one of the As was in Japanese so they don't know if it counts.
It sounds a bit confusing and if King's reject me I think I'll phone them up again and ask again.
I'd phone them up if I were you.
Reply 7
was the same last year.

Really? Im pretty sure I was told one offer per 3 interviewees (cant remember if it was in the letter or at the interview itself, though).
Maybe I have lost me marbles!
yep u lost ur marbles!! lol im joking, i aint applying for medicine but my friend has a offer form imperial
Really, well your name is pretty subtle :p:
Really? Im pretty sure I was told one offer per 3 interviewees (cant remember if it was in the letter or at the interview itself, though).
Maybe I have lost me marbles!

Ill tell u something that will be changing next year tho. Standard offer will be AAA.
Reply 11
one of my friends gave up her place on the waiting list so maybe 1 of you guys might move up the list.