The Student Room Group

Anyone pass the tesco screening test?

Has anyone in the past week actually managed to get past the stupid thing? I keep getting a message that I haven't met the minimum criteria. I got someone who worked at tesco to take it and they failed it too. I'm now wondering if the thing is broken or if I'm putting the wrong answers in.
Please help.

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Yeah. Blame the system because your not Tesco Standard.
Reply 2
Original post by StatingDaObvious
Yeah. Blame the system because your not Tesco Standard.

And? I'll do whatever I want.
Why bother replying to a thread you have no actual answers for?
Besides being a troll?
Does it make you feel like you've done something productive being a terrible human being on the internet?
Original post by poedamn
And? I'll do whatever I want.
Why bother replying to a thread you have no actual answers for?
Besides being a troll?
Does it make you feel like you've done something productive being a terrible human being on the internet?

Someone sounds angry because they can't gain an interview for Tesco.

It's very clear that you aren't Tesco standard therefor they don't wish to process your application.
Reply 4
Original post by poedamn
Has anyone in the past week actually managed to get past the stupid thing? I keep getting a message that I haven't met the minimum criteria. I got someone who worked at tesco to take it and they failed it too. I'm now wondering if the thing is broken or if I'm putting the wrong answers in.
Please help.

OMG I'm fuming!!! I've just done that also! I am 100% confident in my answers so I'm wondering if they take your experience into account when screening your application... well I say "they" but its obviously just a computer...I got the same message that I didn't qualify or whatever I really don't understand! Its taken forever to complete as well. Did you manage to find any answers as to why? It must be broken haha.
idk if this helps but I applied to tesco many times, the first few times I put the answers in and my application would send off only for me to get a rejection a week later....this kept happening until I changed my answers and then it wouldn't even send off because I didn't meet the minimum criteria... I think a lot of people are finding it difficult to pass that online test

Posted from TSR Mobile
Well considering many hundereds of people work in Tesco then of course people have passed it.

I undertook it it last night and have just been invited for interview.

Original post by bubblegumcat
idk if this helps but I applied to tesco many times, the first few times I put the answers in and my application would send off only for me to get a rejection a week later....this kept happening until I changed my answers and then it wouldn't even send off because I didn't meet the minimum criteria... I think a lot of people are finding it difficult to pass that online test

Posted from TSR Mobile

Original post by lewlew90
OMG I'm fuming!!! I've just done that also! I am 100% confident in my answers so I'm wondering if they take your experience into account when screening your application... well I say "they" but its obviously just a computer...I got the same message that I didn't qualify or whatever I really don't understand! Its taken forever to complete as well. Did you manage to find any answers as to why? It must be broken haha.

Original post by PopeFrancis92
Someone sounds angry because they can't gain an interview for Tesco.

It's very clear that you aren't Tesco standard therefor they don't wish to process your application.

Original post by poedamn
And? I'll do whatever I want.
Why bother replying to a thread you have no actual answers for?
Besides being a troll?
Does it make you feel like you've done something productive being a terrible human being on the internet?

Original post by poedamn
Has anyone in the past week actually managed to get past the stupid thing? I keep getting a message that I haven't met the minimum criteria. I got someone who worked at tesco to take it and they failed it too. I'm now wondering if the thing is broken or if I'm putting the wrong answers in.
Please help.
Original post by MasterPope
Well considering many hundereds of people work in Tesco then of course people have passed it.

I undertook it it last night and have just been invited for interview.

well done

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 8
Original post by Gissajob
I have now attempted the Application process no less than 23 times, varying my answers on each occasion, instant rejection every time. It does become very frustrating and depressing, especially in the knowledge I have a wealth of relevant experience.

Anyone that's passed the test and would send me the correct 22 answers via a PM would make one out of work person a very happy person.

wow 23 times! thats crazy that you still haven't passed. I really don't get it. Do you think the automated computer takes into account your experience? or just the screening question test? I don't understand how it would work. I'm tempted to ring tescos and speak to a manager about it. Its ridiculous!
Reply 9
Original post by lewlew90
wow 23 times! thats crazy that you still haven't passed. I really don't get it. Do you think the automated computer takes into account your experience? or just the screening question test? I don't understand how it would work. I'm tempted to ring tescos and speak to a manager about it. Its ridiculous!

It is automated and as far as I know will not take into account any of the enclosed cv and experience. I have recently discovered that Tesco HR or resources as they'd prefer to be described do not entertain personal phone calls, I was fended off on a couple of occasions. I did get a response by email thanking me for my efforts and to keep trying whilst understanding Tescos "core values", after so many attempts I'm not sure what those values are.
Reply 10
Original post by PopeFrancis92
Someone sounds angry because they can't gain an interview for Tesco.

It's very clear that you aren't Tesco standard therefor they don't wish to process your application.

No??? Really? Anger? Me? No waaaaaaay.
I wonder why someone would get angry because people didn't answer the question and decided to be condescending instead. hmmmmm I wonder why....

Why would someone react that way? Gosh...what a strange reaction. Anger!

And my feelings don't get hurt because I'm not up to the standards of a major corporation. I couldn't care less if I was up to their standards. Because everyone lies to get the job they need to survive. ^_^

And I managed to pass the tesco screening alright. So cheers.
Reply 11
Original post by Gissajob
It is automated and as far as I know will not take into account any of the enclosed cv and experience. I have recently discovered that Tesco HR or resources as they'd prefer to be described do not entertain personal phone calls, I was fended off on a couple of occasions. I did get a response by email thanking me for my efforts and to keep trying whilst understanding Tescos "core values", after so many attempts I'm not sure what those values are.

I hope you pass the screening test and get a job soon. Good luck.
Original post by poedamn
I hope you pass the screening test and get a job soon. Good luck.

Cheers, thanks for the support.

It's perfectly understandable for anyone to get just a tad"angry" when you come up against an unfair system that most definitely doesn't sort the weak from the strong. A sytem employed by the majority of the large corporates nowadays so they can reduce the size of their HR depts. radically. It also means stores have got many "lucky dip winner" employees and not necessarily the best that applied for the position.
I'm the same, couldn't get past the screening and I tried a few times. Did you eventually pass? :smile:
No I never did find the Holy Grail.

Interestingly I've seen quite a number of new faces doing the online shopper role in my local store but those roles have not been advertised on the Tesco site, so I can only assume many vacancies never get advertised, word of mouth, friends, family etc, saves money recruiting.
i had like a hire day with tesco and loads of people who attended all went through the same screening and pre-tests and i got all the way to interview stage but i didnt get the job.
Original post by StatingDaObvious
Yeah. Blame the system because your not Tesco Standard.


Who isn't Tesco standard anymore?...
I don't understand the test, first time I applied it went through and nothing happened until a week later where I was emailed saying I wouldn't be taken further for that role. A new role came up, I applied again and now it says my screening test is not good enough. I am really struggling to see how my answers would be wrong, in my mind the other responses seem to be quite off. I am checking through over and over and I really can't see any glaring errors, I mean people must be passing this clearly as I see them working at Tescos.

I don't believe I am mentally inept, I am someone who is very capable at logic and comprehension at least in the 'school' sense however this Tescos test is completing baffling me.
I passed it first time...
I passed it, and did my job application a while ago - No response still

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