The Student Room Group
Reply 1
yeah, PSA4 and PSA5 - not looking forward to them! - i only started revising for them last night and i am now regreting it as i had forgotten how much stuff we actually have to know. Just been going over Transport on Track - seems alright - some of the Lenz's Faradays law qestions can be difficult as can some of the momentum stuff. Probing the Heart of Matter just requires you to remeber a lot of information - apart from coulombs law and angular velcoity there isn't much maths in it. Same goes for MDM. I'm not looking forward to PSA5 - i hate all the simple harmonic motion stuff - find it very difficult and i dislike all of the space unit - i will be pleased to get half marks on PSA5.
Reply 2

PSA4 and PSA5. Any ideas for synoptic revision, and what (specifically) to revise?
Reply 3
How much revision has everyone done for these exams?
Thankfully I did PSA4 in January and have PSA 5 tomorrow. When revising do you just cover the points summarised at the end of the chapter, because especially with the star unit, there is tonnes in the chapter not covered by the summary points....and looking over past papers they sometimes ask stuff not covered in the bullet points. e.g. physics principles behind improving acoustics in concert halls..its in the chapter but not in the summary. I'm just worried they will ask stuff I haven't revised.
Reply 5
I only have time to revise the achievements - notes at end of each chapter - they say that those are the assessed outcomes so most of the exam stuff should be on those. I think you just have to be able to relate what you know for those points to different situations. The chapters go into detail and give examples about this but I think they are only examples and doubt they would come up in the exam papers.

I'm not in a situation where I could revise all of the content in each chapter even if i wanted to - I've only done transport on track so far so probably have about 2 hours per chapter left - i'm just focusing on the main equations and definitions etc....

Have you done many practice questions / past papers?
Our teacher made us do all past papers from June 2002 onwards and then we went through them in class so yes I have gone through a fair few questions. I did the same in Jan and I find it helps a lot because its practice and you get used to the style of the questions that you might get. I too couldn't go through the whole of the chapter even if I wanted to. Best of luck with your exams, and yeh learning all the equations is a good thing to do. :smile: