The Student Room Group

Tesco Interview Tomorrow


I got a phone call a few hours ago for a Tesco Interview tomorrow. It's for a store role, e.g. checkouts e.t.c and it part time while Im at Sixth Form.

I researched the company e.t.c before I applied and have a good idea of the questions that'll be asked. I'm all prepared except for one thing - what to wear?

I dunno whether to go in trousers, shirt and shoes or go casual but smart in jeans, trainers and a nice top. I don't wanna look as if I've overdone it for a part time store role but then again I don't wanna look as if I haven't bothered at all. I think the casual/smart jeans, trainers and top will do but just after opinions.

Cheers :smile:

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Reply 1

I got a phone call a few hours ago for a Tesco Interview tomorrow. It's for a store role, e.g. checkouts e.t.c and it part time while Im at Sixth Form.

I researched the company e.t.c before I applied and have a good idea of the questions that'll be asked. I'm all prepared except for one thing - what to wear?

I dunno whether to go in trousers, shirt and shoes or go casual but smart in jeans, trainers and a nice top. I don't wanna look as if I've overdone it for a part time store role but then again I don't wanna look as if I haven't bothered at all. I think the casual/smart jeans, trainers and top will do but just after opinions.

Cheers :smile:

good luck mate, i got a job interview aswell tomorrow, but this is at Toys R Us :biggrin: .....Im just going to wear jeans trainers and a top, like casual kind if you get me, im not wearing my jeans half way down either bcoz that wouldnt be inappropraite so i need to find a belt2!
Reply 2
Jeans are a definate NO when attending any type of interview, also bear in mind that during part of your interview you will be down on the shop floor with another staff member interacting with customers, wear pants and a shirt. Even when i've been for internal interviews within tesco i've still had to wear my work uniform.

Be sure to make pleanty of eye contact, speak clearly and dont be affraid to ask questions. If you are having a group interview (this i found is better than one 2 one) then remember to listen to what other people are saying and try not to domineer the interview.

Basic questions are things like

Why do you want to work for tesco?

What sort of skills do you have that would be benificial?

How would you deal with a certain type of situation?

Mention low levels of sickness i.e very little time off college in the last year. That you can adapt to situations quickly and find it easy to pick up skills. If you're applying for tills mention good number/money skills.

Good luck!

Edit- also see THIS thread here which many including myself have contributed to.
Reply 3
I had the interview today.. It took 2 hours. I ended up going in shoes, jeans and a top. I'm pretty glad I did because it was a group interview, and almost everyone else went the same (they must have been told beforehand it was an informal interview and not to wear a suit - I wasn't but that may have been because my mum answered the telephone call asking me to go to an interview 'cos I was out somewhere).

The interview went perfect, apart from one man who wouldn't shut up I made the most contributions and did pretty well on the shop floor. The managers were really friendly (especially one girl who was about 20 on a Uni intake programme or something like that) so after 5 mins all my nerves had gone.

I'll find out within 10 days if I got it :biggrin: Cheers for advice - how did your interview go, AJ?
Reply 4
I had the interview today.. It took 2 hours. I ended up going in shoes, jeans and a top. I'm pretty glad I did because it was a group interview, and almost everyone else went the same (they must have been told beforehand it was an informal interview and not to wear a suit - I wasn't but that may have been because my mum answered the telephone call asking me to go to an interview 'cos I was out somewhere).

The interview went perfect, apart from one man who wouldn't shut up I made the most contributions and did pretty well on the shop floor. The managers were really friendly (especially one girl who was about 20 on a Uni intake programme or something like that) so after 5 mins all my nerves had gone.

I'll find out within 10 days if I got it :biggrin: Cheers for advice - how did your interview go, AJ?

it went great thanks. I think you've got the job mate lol, i did to as far as i know, mine was a group interview to, i just wore trousers, shoes, white shirt with sum v neck grey jumpa thingy on top, looks alright, there were people in suits though. Interview was great, theyre going to phone me by the end of the week to discuss when i start etc and wht department to work on etc. :biggrin:
Reply 5
good luck u pple. im thinkin of applyin to tesco as well, do u know wot the starting salary is?, im 18. ta
Reply 6
Its a wage as oppose to a salary. Its dependant on your location as well as the scale you are within the company. The lowest approximate wage for established staff (over a year) is 6.01 and new starters get around 95% of that.
Reply 7
i don't suppose anyone knows if Tescos takes on part time temporary staff over the summer holidays- july/ aug/ sept??
Reply 8
At my store we do have part time tempory staff over holiday periods but they are usually staff who left the company to go to uni and when they come home they just call up the manager who allows them to come back to work.
Reply 9
yay :biggrin: Got a phonecall about 20 mins ago.. I got the job and they're ringing again on Monday Night to confirm when the "induction" is.

To the person who asked what the wage is; I THINK for starters (if you've over 18 and depending on your location) it's £5.51 an hour, and after a year it's £6.01.

I think there is also a rise after 6 months but I can't quite remember, I'm rubbish with figures - I even forgot the hours they offered me lol but if I ring back now and ask they might think I'm stupid so when they ring for the induction I'll just ask 'em to confirm.
Reply 10
you can have my job... im on a diff rate than that though!!

ill give you my shop keys right now if you want.....

only 2 days till i leave!!! :biggrin:
Reply 11
do i have to send a CV, or would i have to write a letter askin for an application form if i want a job at Tesco
application forms are just available at our kiosk in my store - i sent CV and covering letter alongside the application form - I dont know if its compulsary but I reckon that they will be more impressed if you make the effort for them - my duty manager looks at the person's availability before anything else - write down as much time as you can work as possible.
Reply 13
do i have to send a CV, or would i have to write a letter askin for an application form if i want a job at Tesco

depends on the SM's preflability.....

most have app forms but some dont use them and prefer cv's
Reply 14
I didn't send anything by post. I always think it's better to go to the store and actually enquire instead of just randomly sending off CVs and covering letters.

I went into Tesco and asked them how I'd get an application form. They said bring in a CV to the Customer Service desk and they'll send an app form through. I filled in the app form and personally took it in to the store and got offered an interview about 2 week later.

P.S: TEE001 - Which store would you apply to if you applied? I'm from Leeds as well.
Reply 15
Probably the one in Roundhay road or Easterly Road, they both about 2.5 miles away from where i live thoh.
Reply 16
Oh OK I dunno them ones :tongue:

Anyway just had my induction tonight, 2.5 hours! All went OK though and I start on Friday at 2pm (usually it's 4pm but they want me to go in early to show me the tills).

Can't wait :biggrin:
Reply 17
Have an interview tonight at 5pm.

I just sent my Cv off to them without knowing if they were jobs or not. I recieved a letter saying they hadnt and then the next day she phoned saying she had 5 jobs going and a group interview was 2day.

She didnt say anything about what to wear, what we are doing or how long the interview was for.

Hope i get the job tho, i mean i have all the qualifcations nvqs in food hygiene and retail and have 2years retail experience. Hope things go well. From what you guys have said it seems like a pretty long interview and pointless questions for just being on the check out. :smile:
Reply 18
So i went for my interview for check out and i got offered a job on the customer service desk. Someone said it takes ages to get on there. So have i just skipped a promation or something? Also i have my induction 2mo. What do u do on the induction?
Congratulations :smile: