The Student Room Group

Topshop jeans in general

Okay, so i bought some of the most amazing jeans i have ever tried on. Topshop's "V" jeans. I loved them so much, I took them into my home. They became part of my life and I could never imagine life without them...then my ma washed them!

Oh no! What is this? The once perfect V jean was now nothing more than a faded, shrunken state. So i took them back and got my money back. I am devastated. Reeeally wanna buy another buy to see how they go. But will it happen again? My mum washed them exactly how it says on the label. :frown:

Anyone else have problems with topshop jeans?



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(edited 6 years ago)

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The V jeans are exactly thesame as the old skinny rizz aren't they?!

Well when I first bought them they were amazing.. Then they started to fade, get baggier... Then a couple of months later there was a massive hole in them just under the arse.. I bought another pair.. Exactly the same again.

I then bought the V jeans about 2 months ago.. I'm in between sizes atm, so they didn't look that great to begin with! But, I haven't had a problem iwth them yet. Although that could be because they were baggy to begin with.
My skinnies have expanded into balloons! Although they shrink for a few hours after washing, there are rolls around my knees and the fabric has weakened. My black skinnies are ok though, sizing is a bit awkward though. Tight on the legs but huge on the hips.
Reply 3
Sounds like it's not just me who has experienced the crapness of topshop :frown:

I actually might just give up with the shop, they are so out to get me. Was in there once trying things on...the fitting room rail fell on me! I could have been naked or anything!

Only thing I liked about the jeans were the fact they were skinny flared. Not TOO skinny...not to flared...

Anyone know of any good places I can get some jeans like it? xx
Reply 4
Miss Selfridge do skinny flare jeans. I prefer their stuff over Topshop these days.

River Island also does great fitting jeans but maybe not in the style you're after.
Yeah, I just avoid that store now - didn't even go in the Oxford street branch yesterday :eek:
Reply 6
Maybe go for some more upmarket ones like Levis or Lee jeans? Because they're not that much more expensive than Topshop or River Island but they're MUCH better quality! The cheapest pair of Lee jeans is £55 and £50 for Levis.

You can get the is the big departmental stores usually like John Lewis, House of Fraser etc
Reply 7
My Topshop jeans always go huge in the wash. I buy them a size too small now because after a couple of spins in the machine they fit perfectly.

Fading seems to depend on how they're dyed. Really dark overdyed ones tend to fare worse. I had a pair of Baxters which went in the machine once and came out with a white streak all down the leg where the dye had washed out. Nice.
Reply 8
I like them, they are cheap and fit well, and mine have not shrunk or faded. Their clothes in general are bad quality but hello they are a high street shop. The only thing I buy from them is Boutique, bags, and shoes.
Reply 9
Topshop generally charge over the top prices for shoddy quality clothing.

And the things that are reasonably priced are trash. Take £6 ribbed vests, for example :rolleyes:.

I recommend you try somewhere else ;yes;
Okay, so i bought some of the most amazing jeans i have ever tried on. Topshop's "V" jeans. I loved them so much, I took them into my home. They became part of my life and I could never imagine life without them...then my ma washed them!

Oh no! What is this? The once perfect V jean was now nothing more than a faded, shrunken state. So i took them back and got my money back. I am devastated. Reeeally wanna buy another buy to see how they go. But will it happen again? My mum washed them exactly how it says on the label. :frown:

Anyone else have problems with topshop jeans?


i bought some in august and mine are still really really good. jeans i find do tend to get a bit bagger with wear. but mine are still amazing just a bit tatty on the ends were i buy my jeans to long and they drag on the ground.
But i find it really hard to buy jeans that fit so i'll probabbly only ever buy from Topshop as I dont know anywhere else that does long jeans that suit pear shaped people and are affordable

Reply 11
Was thinking of getting some jeans from topshop instead of the usual cheapy ones from newlook or primark but am now quite worried after reading these comments. I thought topshop jeans would be quite good seeing as there are quite expensive and most people (i know) get their jeans from there. Would H&M jeans be any better?? What are your experiences with their jeans?
Reply 12
Topshop generally charge over the top prices for shoddy quality clothing.

And the things that are reasonably priced are trash. Take £6 ribbed vests, for example :rolleyes:.

I recommend you try somewhere else ;yes;

I agree! They do have some really nice bits, but i find it quite expensive for things that just shouldnt be that expensive... I think it may be because im a poor student too. :p: But you can find identical things in there cheaper elsewhere!
I'm annoyed that they don't do 27" jeans. It is truly bizarre. Get your jeans from Fornarina if you want quality ones that last :yy:
Topshops trousers in general are rather awful I find. Much prefer New Look or Pilot these days.
h and m do really nice skinny jeans "sqin" i think

they last ages and come in odd numbers (like 27" and 29" as well as 28" and 30")

but the legs are way too long and i end up rolling them up :tongue:
Reply 16
yeah, my 'B' jeans are too short for me now, probably because i forgot to alter the length like it says on the label and i have just left them sitting in m wardrobe since,havent even bothered to wear them so maybe i'll try with them again after washing, also i usually hand wash my jeans for the first few times because the colour lasts (in cold/warm water) and is what they usually suggest to do on the label. if my jeans fade, i just buy some machine dye and they are like brand new again, only £3 from wilkinsons or a haberdashery
I got a pair of Topshop skinnies a few months ago -- they were fine for a couple of wears, but then they started to bag and crinkle around the knees. They were also so low-cut at the waist that whenever I sat down or even bent over, they created an embarrassing 'builder's bum' effect. I had a pair of Topshop flares about 5 years ago that were the same.

These days I generally tend to do all my jeans shopping at the Gap -- they make good quality, well-designed jeans that come in small sizes and don't fall down :smile:
Yeah you can buy jeans in topshop for £40 or jeans of the same quality from new look for £15

EDIT: Have also (as above says) heard really good things about gap jeans.
They were also so low-cut at the waist that whenever I sat down or even bent over, they created an embarrassing 'builder's bum' effect. I had a pair of Topshop flares about 5 years ago that were the same.

Oh my goodness, that reminded me of one of the most embarrassing nights of my life in my local pub. *shudder*. After that harrowing experience and several pairs of New Look jeans that refused to stay zipped up, I got a pair of French Connection straight leg jeans for Christmas and they are amazing. £70, so about the price of 3 pairs of New Look jeans but they still look fantastic and feel fantastic. I also have a pair of Miss Sixty's from NY (Century 21, so they were about £30!!!) and they're still going strong...a year and 2 months later. The moral of the story for me is always invest in expensive denim, as pricey as they may seem at the time :smile: