Basically, I want to know if anybody agrees with me and thinks my mother has behaved appalling.
To get the full picture you must start from the start. A few years ago, my mother assaulted my sister, and ended up getting arrested etc for it. To be fair, she (my mum) was at the end of her tether with her behaviour, but any show of aggression is not called for. Anyway, she had to have anger management classes etc. and my sister eventually went into care, (not because of that directly, but the mother/daugther relationship could never be full restored after that). She actually saw her on the bus the other day and blanked her out (my sister blanked her). At the time I thought this was out of order but now not so much.
I had to drop university this year with stress, and used to live with my mum but moved in with my dad again. I visit my mother and my little brother every weekend, as does my other brother who is at university, when he can get down.
So, we were sitting there the other night, and got into an arguement over something really trivial. Now, I am a highly intelligent and diplomatic person, so am the last one to have a slanging match, but when you're dealing with people who aren't diplomatic and stoic then sadly that's what it sometimes resorts to. Add to the fact I had only three hours of sleep this particular day.
She was being utterly flippant and I didn't even want to converse with her (add to the fact that my brother always seems to think he can calm it down, but when A is arguing with B, C just makes it worse. There was even a D person in the shape of my little brother, who just wanted to play the computer in peace).
So at the height of the argument, and without warning, she hurled a hot cup of coffee at the wall near to where I was sat with my little brother. And it's no exaggeration to say it missed us by half a foot, being generous). Everyone just sat in silence afterwards, so appalled by this, and my little brother started crying.
Anyway, it transpired that I was "trouble" and I "cause it everytime I come down", yet that glove just cannot fit with someone so mature and intellectual. I just can't see someone like me being a firestarter. Her, on the other hand, as been known to be volatile). And she said she didn't want me coming up any more (which effectively means I don't see her or my brother, surely). But I said I wasn't coming again anyway, so that was settled.
My other brother who visits has at times been that sick of her that he too has said he never wants to go up there again, but he has always changed his mind (although I can't see that happening with me).
I don't need negative influences like her in my life. She hasn't got me to where I am today, and plus I have enough stress at it is without her creating more. I wouldn't miss her if I never saw her again (like she hasn't seen her mum for 3 years-something petty again, money my nana said), and I can see her doing this with my little brother in years to come and dying a sad, lonely old woman.
But why should my little brother have to suffer because of her?
End of rant.
What do people think?